Friday, February 4, 2011

Pink Rhinestone Computer Mouse

A radiopop 4-2-11 "L'Arena", the bank, Glaxo, two books, God, Avatar ...

Sunday "The Arena" is a first page out of the ordinary, special, with a large flag, the title "Poor Italy", a list of all the things that do not go and what should be done and not are made and the article in the Director Maurizio Cattaneo.

In the following days the newspaper has published numerous letters of consent for that page. Dissentisse that no reader, no one expressed any doubts.

I read that page several times and re-reading has confirmed to me and strengthen the first impression: a page of a newspaper article di fondo indegni.

Tutti sono messi sullo stesso piano. In Parlamento c'è la “rissa” il che fa pensare che le ragioni e i torti siano ugualmente ripartiti, le notti di Arcore e l'appartamento di Montecarlo stessa cosa, la magistratura è “borbonica” per cui è lecito pensare che gli inquisiti siano vittime e, oggi, chi è l'inquisito principale anche se mai nominato in quella pagina?

Tutto è un “andazzo che deve finire” cioè una moda, una usanza spregevole che riguarda tutti allo stesso modo, gli operai della Fiom e le escort di Arcore, la Bocassini e Lele Mora, i precari che protestano e i deputati che si fanno comprare.

“Meno tasse”. For everyone? For employees as for the great managers.

So here is the courageous editor of "The Arena", unaware of the measure, concludes: "We say loud and clear that it is time to say enough is enough." Just to whom? At the Court of Milan or Silvio Berlusconi?
manforte It gives a couple of days later, another important pen "L'Arena", Michael Bellinetti, which urges: "Enough with the same lies, we need a little 'to silence."

you think nowadays, with these moonlight 'a bit of silence "who benefits?

anyone can see that the President of the Republic asked to tone down the rhetoric and Berlusconi agreed.
It 's true, but tone down the rhetoric does not mean to be silent and is not the first time that the head of government is said to agree with the President of the Republic and then continues to do what he wants.

And then it is said that what he says Napolitano is always right and appropriate to the times.
I, for one, think that "these" times a word clearer would be welcome.

Another topic: the Glaxo.

Always "The Arena", a couple of weeks ago, he published a chronicle of joyous visit to the structure of Aptuit Glaxo-Verona by the authorities. There were the mayor, council municipal representatives of the university, the Confindustria, the Chamber of Commerce and others.

That part of Glaxo for research, as we know, taken from the American Aptuit will, state leaders, increased its value as a research institute and become a world-class excellence. All
happy and satisfied.

Glaxo last year was broken up into three parts according to a technique well established: the research part of Aptuit to the Americans, and that of the industrial market remained at Glaxo.
sure I was not the only one to say it, but I said very clearly that this was the classic way for a drastic reduction, especially in employment, della azienda.

E, infatti, lo stesso giornale cittadino l'altro giorno dopo la cronaca di quella gioiosa visita, visita e relativa cronaca fatte per indorare la pillola amara che sarebbe arrivata subito dopo, informa che: “Verona rimane centrale ma la Glaxo taglia 246 posti di lavoro”.

Che poi sono in realtà poco meno di 500.
Infatti gli esuberi saranno: i 246 di cui sopra più 130 altri informatori che usciranno con gli incentivi, altri 26 contratti a termine non rinnovati più altri esuberi non specificati.
A cosa avrà gioiosamente brindato l'allegra compagnia in visita allo stabilimento?

Le banche.

Il colpo è riuscito solo in parte. Tosi, la League, after coming into force in Cariverona Foundation, wanted to repeat the operation with the population, albeit in an indirect way, dealing with shares of money from the Foundation.
Despite the help of an elected official of the Democratic Party Verona the game is not completely successful and had to settle for a presence of 0.5% and 5%.

E 'instead of the failed rescue operation in favor of President Biasi.
What is this? It 's simple: the statute of the Foundation, which is non-profit organization, provides that anyone convicted in first instance can not occupy positions of responsibility within the Foundation, let alone make the president. Biasi, President Biasi, in the coming days will face two trials and preferential bankruptcy, they say, with little chance of being acquitted.
So what decides, unanimously, the General Council of the Foundation welcomed the mayor? Delete that rule by statute so Biasi, even if convicted, will continue to be the President. Classical
standard "ad personam". Berlusconi docet.

Tosi, in Bias, he had to something to have facilitated the entry of League Foundation in but the members of the council? All right?
The best comment? That Councillor Sonia Milan provincial Italy of Values, "If Tosi Biasi and declare that the policy does not "Ad personam" means that they do not believe the citizens of Verona capable of discernment, stupid to the point where not even recognize the evidence of the facts. "

Now two fine books.
One, written by researchers of Verona in the history of Resistance and the 'modern age published by Cierre: "From the beam to the flame" is history, documented, rigorous, from the beam to the MSI. No rhetoric, no bitterness, a vision without concessions to established stereotypes. The second
Katherine Levi, second edition, again for Cierre, "He wants to know the real name or fake name?". And 'gentle and strong like the record of the life of a child Jewish Verona four years, and his family at the time of the racial laws.

To the commissioner of God and the Avatar film is no more time. It will be for next time.

George Bragaja


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