Friday, February 18, 2011
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radiopop 18/02/2011 at the tunnel will be more beautiful, Tosi on TV, Star Park and other
In City Council continues discussion on the draft of the tunnel under the Torricelle.
Project which has always saw the strong opposition of a committee of citizens and all groups of non-board majority.
latter had made a little less than a thousand amendments that proposed modifications to the project.
The huge number was a clear indication of a desire not so much to "improve" a thing in itself is not improved because of the absoluteness of the general negative, that is, the very idea of \u200b\u200btunnel under the hills, believed to be devastating, futile, with costs unsustainable and, therefore, I repeat, inemendabile, but the will was, or seemed to be, to use all means to prevent its realization.
But not anymore. The Board of opposition groups (less than the advisers Perini and De Robertis) agreed to withdraw most of their amendments, namely to accelerate the debate and get the approval of the whole project without a hitch, (so long as they assume voting against) if they are certain requests for changes .
The changes required are, in principle, these:
height of the crossing of the Adige Parona not a bridge but the tunnel and the subsequent continuation of the path in the trenches up to the highway north of Verona, the formulation of a protocol in favor of espropriandi to anticipate the construction of an access ramp for 'entry in the tunnel for those coming from Valpantena, to amend the draft convention for both the parking rates exchanger Saval that of the guest and others to reduce their environmental impact. In all 16 points.
The two advisers who disagree with their opposition colleagues state: "... This attitude-that is, the withdrawal of the amendments, it would still be a way to endorse the logic of the tunnel which is also a serious mistake in terms of general planning. "
Critical to this agreement are the Greens, the Communist Refoundation, Left and Freedom, Olive Verona and PDCI.
And they are right and I hope that, as permitted by the rules, the two directors feel that they own all the amendments withdrawn so that the debate can continue normally and in accordance with the Committee (by the way is a bit 'you hear) to bring into account a number of initiatives that may be right advisor Tisato (Verona Civic) when he says "... the train has left and the numbers we have, 14 against 33IT WOULD imagination to think of lock. " But ...
But the fantasy, because fantasy is, sometimes it can help and I'd console me cautious, as the Councillor Salemi (Pd), which says "... the agreement agrees to the monitoring role of the opposition." Si? Sicura?
Nella mia non breve esperienza ho visto, per esempio, tali e tante modifiche progettuali in corso d'opera che non stanno né in cielo né in terra; altro che controlli.
Quando una grande opera è in via di realizzazione chi sta costruendo ha il coltello sempre dalla parte del manico.
A proposito: nei 16 punti ce n'è almeno uno che impegni a non costruire, appunto in corso d'opera, uscite intermedie che renderebbero il traforo ancor più devastante? Uscite intermedie che, dai gestori, saranno, di sicuro, ritenute indispensabili per la sostenibilità funzionale ed economica dell'opera e, allora, chi li fermerà? Non basterà certo un protocollo a favore degli espropriandi.
D'Arienzo, the Democratic Party leader in the province said those who criticize them is in bad faith. Why?
Tosi, Tosi, the mayor, the other night on TV was "eight and a half" of the event and spoke of 13 and women who took part and their opinions on the story Ruby-Berlusconi.
Tosi basically said he did not understand why women's event criticizing Berlusconi in '68 because they were preaching their own confusing sexual freedom, as his Silvio Tosi, freedom with something else.
He was alone without his trusty print Bolis boss to teach and has done a very bad shape but the rest is not entirely his fault because that a good portion of the left, in the vein of repentance, he often helped to reconstruct a history of the '68 key stupidly negative.
Star Park.
In November 2009, about a year and a half ago, popular radio, I made some remarks to the science park was established in 2001 in Verona Star to promote research and the emergence of new production and said that it was no good
Neither the constituent entities: the City, Province, associations of employers, universities, Chamber of Commerce, Consorzio Zai, Veneto innovation that had made money, they decided to dismantle it for obvious futility.
Her twins were called Vega Park a Venezia e Parco Galileo a Padova e, più o meno bene, funzionavano, quello di Verona no. Si ridusse a mangiare un bel po' di soldi per stipendi ai direttori ai presidenti e ai consiglieri di amministrazione spesso nominati perché amici degli amici.
Il presidente, un leghista senza competenze, spaesato ma stipendiato.
Il rettore dell'Università disse:”E' un carrozzone”.
Il presidente di “Veneto innovazione” lo corresse:”No è una carrozzina, un pasticciaccio tutto veronese... i veronesi pensavano di giocare a monopoli”.
Ma non lo sciolsero. Come si faceva a mandare a casa tanti amici?
Una settimana the assembly is convened by the President, called to ask members of a new one million euro, has been deserted.
This story is coupled with that of the deceased's financial center two years ago, with the skyscrapers of South Verona disappeared the other day, with the use of large containers risiko: a museum here, a restaurant there, the museum of opera dusted with costumes of the singers down there, above the fossil, the father of Gnoco nearby, modern art ... we'll see (the Arsenal it is the most striking example).
E 'policy of saying.
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