Sunday, February 27, 2011

Galeries Milena Velba

Poll: efficiency improvident! Humor

A woman (ha) to as Lury can not fail to appropriate political points of reference: although basically a functional illiterate bumpkins indifferent and angry, the charm of xenophobia, simple statements, recommendations and favoritism has never left indifferent.

Poll fought this round and we must say that in fact the spoiled for choice was really high, but we us.

The question was: What parameters to measure the efficiency Lury flaunting that you think are higher / indicated? (Multiple answers possible)

And so you have cast (yes, you also be investigated for readers only!):

catarrh / investigation
6 (40 %)
Contradictions / theories
10 (66%)
Croste/giorni senza doccia
  10 (66%)
Denunzie ricevute/post
  9 (60%)
Duedipicche/Boy accostati
  12 (80%)
Figure di merda/giorno
  13 (86%)
Musate / door knock
9 (60%)
Percula / friends
10 (66%)
Hours Rosik / waking hours
10 (66%)
Cigarettes / hour pc
9 (60%)
Blunders / line
10 (66%)
Honours / crusades started
3 (20%)
ruined lives / children born
10 (66%)
Wins Legal / processes
3 (20%)
Other (spammatelo around)
1 (6 %)

Challenge fought particularly in this round, I must say, ah, no, there is to say: those who voted successes and legal victories was sarcastic or not read you were looking for higher rates: D?

Whatever the fierce competition to be faced, however, the distinctive feature (street, we are sure that we also copy the expression to pretend ridiculously Read ) are certainly the figures of shit.

And quest'abbrivio (well, today we dispense a plethora of little words difficult, doubtful that distinguishes "plethora" of "tire" and then take it to threat of death), let's look forward to the next poll (Y !)

Oh, and in the poll just look 'that we have made, by popular demand;)!

Friday, February 25, 2011

How Much Does It Cost For Dog Eye Exam?

radiopop 25/02/2011 Speech on the tunnel passes, via Dante, funny characters, Don Verzè

voted by majority and opposition, with the only "no" Graziano Perini ( Italian Communists) and Mauro De Robertis (The Olive), the so-called "motion best" is passed giving the green light to the tunnel under the Torricelle speed up the approval.

of this agreement between the majority and the opposition last time I talked about criticizing these points and it gave a verdict entirely negative as they have done all the associations and environmental movements of Verona and I think this more complex You can read looking for:

The councilors of the opposition, along with the majority, have voted for the motion, "improved", however, have stated that this vote did not mean approval of the tunnel and that, indeed, in the end, say a "dry" no infrastructure.
Not just no, but a "dry" no.
The "dry" no history that reminds me a bit 'rude and racist, by the Bourbon army, said that his generals, in view of the enemy, to recommend to the soldiers, not wanting to fight, "Facite' face fierce. "

Rejecting accusations of weakness quella parte di opposizione che ha votato si con la maggioranza ha anche detto che la Giunta sbaglia di grosso se pensa, anche per i prossimi importanti argomenti che passeranno al vaglio del Consiglio, di poter fare a meno dell'opposizione.
Dichiarazione non proprio felice perché si può anche capire come una predisposizione a dare una mano anche per il futuro.

E, infine, la orgogliosa dichiarazione conclusiva del capogruppo del Partito democratico, Montagnoli: “Non è quasi mai accaduto che in quest'aula una delibera rimanesse ferma per due mesi”.

Non è vero. Molte delibere sono state fermate dall'opposizione per molto più tempo ma non è questo il punto.
Il punto è che, in years so far, some fundamental decisions, have been disastrous for the city not only stops the opposition but also rejected or pulled back.

Can someone remind the forgetful, the story of the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe NATO military base in the city center, Passalacqua, who was to become even greater as a military base and instead has become the city's heritage?

And we should remember that this was possible only with a large popular mobilization, tough, hard-hitting, "rude", outside the city council, which allowed the few to feel the minority councilors, however, not only against the real majority reached but also against the press, against the employers' associations, against the military high command, against the government, in practice against all, and beat the junta Sironi and his right-wing coalition?

If today's college students, many, and the citizens of Veronetta, yet few can walk on the grass of the Passalacqua is only for the "rudeness." Other than "motions for improvement."

another topic.

want, want, to urban councilor of the Municipality of Verona, Pisa Luigi, put a bronze sculpture in via Dante, the street that connects Piazza Viviani with Piazza dei Signori.
E 'a sculpture that we have seen only a photograph is not very clear and, therefore, any aesthetic judgments, as well as purely personal and therefore irrelevant, it is also impossible.

But the fact remains that we continue to fill our streets of the downtown with the strangest works, set in historical and architectural that they refuse, she did not recognize, often ugly, you agree most often with the justification that are "gifts", without competition, as if the squares and streets of Verona were the private homes of the mayor or councilor Pisa Tosi, in which housing, according to their personal tastes, can put everything and more.

Not so. The city is "common", a UNESCO world of all and for a city like Verona, the word "common" has an extensive value, universal, because we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is therefore not only the heritage of Verona. And beyond all this rhetoric and bolsa Verona Declaration capital of poetry, Verona capital of the world of opera and so on.

The same is going to court with an unlikely Melon obelisk, also sponsored the Councillor Pisa, in front of his shop to the author.
Superintendents (three), links to Pisa Pisa and friends!

another topic.

Verzè Don, the priest owner of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, in which hospital Berlusconi has been done to cure the dental hygienist Minetti, is now working to build in the province of Verona is a great hospital for the rich which will prolong the life of up to 120 years, said a few days ago: "Berlusconi is a gift from God, teniamocelo tight! "

now a bit 'of fresh air.

In recent weeks in various places in Verona meetings and events are held in the name of satire, of happiness and intelligence.
Everything is organized by the group "funny characters" derivation of "bad characters".
"funny characters" is a small laboratory irreverent, sarcastic, free program that matches with authors, exhibitions, book presentations, a satire on the field, and on 27, the day after Sunday lunch "infidel" with the best pens of the mythical "Verona infidel."

Read more: George


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Beef Stew London Broil


The great dream of Lury not so secret: Be a VIP, lean, sought by the microphones and maybe appear to open to the postman con un certo piglio . WARNING: sconsigliamo i click a chi fosse di incubo facile.

Unknown to many, it does exists a certain amount of scientific papers regarding the total weight of psychiatric disorder on the average wealth of a nation , namley in terms of GDP loss.

Though many pioneering works showed how a relatively modest increase in the psychiatric/psychologist workforce would be many times repaid in terms of less medical expenses (including the huge upkeep fees of the required asyla) or even simply in less leaves from job places due to depression and similarly related issue, it appears to now that no governing power in the western world seems to have taken this problem as seriously as it would Deserve, not even in the early planning stages.

And then oh well, a little 'we broke the fuck to write in English (and I think this will be enough already to make us laugh in the coming months of how filthy'll kick his battered translator to deal with them, the end of portals translator written in three languages \u200b\u200bthat do not even know the spelling elementary ! ), but the point remains: how much do mental illness to society?

Well, think about it, even in this case: while we have a parassitona adult (well, only for the registry, but oh well) vaccinated and that does not deign to work not even in the face the miserable life that gives children , so do not pay taxes, does not contribute to the common good, nor her, nor family, nor to any employer.

Then think what Lury costs in terms of medical expenses or paliative with raised far from resolving its heavy crowds and diverting attention and resources from people who could instead be treated more definitively with them.

serves us to say how much we waste and the activity of Lury is troublesome for the next, apart from the money rubbish compared to most useful activities, as above? Think about who has missed time because of his ridiculous accusations to explain to colleagues or family members, or even worse, how many hours are diverted from our tenia smoker pilgrimages to the police station, discussions with lawyers and hopefully last, court hearings that piggy Lury (a little) so courageous will never come, preferring his dear old friend absentia .

We then discuss the social consequences of having a sick mind GUILTY left to care (at least theoretically, in reality, as we have seen!) Of no less than 4 children? children with serious drug problems in school performance or , children who have low skilled jobs due to an educational environment absent and lack of opportunity that can give you a mother barbonazza arrapata e figli che, con buona probabilità, replicheranno i mancati contributi alla società della genitrice. Ok, magari non in maniera così biecamente ridicola come lei, ma insomma...

No, poi noi diciamo così, tanto per dire.

O tanto per votare o meno chi magari riproporrà nuovi tagli alla spesa sanitaria quando invece sarebbe profittevole aumentarla (entro certi limiti e con certi criteri, ça va sans dire).

O per scegliere, se operatori socio-sanitari, se chiudere ancora prima un occhio e poi l'altro, sbattendosene tanto a fine mese si arrivicchia comunque e nessuno viene mai processato seriamente per negligenza ; oppure provare, una volta tanto, a fare il proprio dovere e procedere con decisioni poco popolari quali il TSO e l' affidamento dei figli (di nuovo) a case famiglia , anche se ormai per quello mi sa sia tardino <_<...

Abbiamo trascurato qualcosa dei costi che la puzzona ingiunge a chiunque vada a lavorare e pagare le tasse pure per lei? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti e, nel caso, integreremo volentieri :)!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kap Archery Draw Length

radiopop 18/02/2011 at the tunnel will be more beautiful, Tosi on TV, Star Park and other

In City Council continues discussion on the draft of the tunnel under the Torricelle.
Project which has always saw the strong opposition of a committee of citizens and all groups of non-board majority.
latter had made a little less than a thousand amendments that proposed modifications to the project.
The huge number was a clear indication of a desire not so much to "improve" a thing in itself is not improved because of the absoluteness of the general negative, that is, the very idea of \u200b\u200btunnel under the hills, believed to be devastating, futile, with costs unsustainable and, therefore, I repeat, inemendabile, but the will was, or seemed to be, to use all means to prevent its realization.

But not anymore. The Board of opposition groups (less than the advisers Perini and De Robertis) agreed to withdraw most of their amendments, namely to accelerate the debate and get the approval of the whole project without a hitch, (so long as they assume voting against) if they are certain requests for changes .

The changes required are, in principle, these:
height of the crossing of the Adige Parona not a bridge but the tunnel and the subsequent continuation of the path in the trenches up to the highway north of Verona, the formulation of a protocol in favor of espropriandi to anticipate the construction of an access ramp for 'entry in the tunnel for those coming from Valpantena, to amend the draft convention for both the parking rates exchanger Saval that of the guest and others to reduce their environmental impact. In all 16 points.

The two advisers who disagree with their opposition colleagues state: "... This attitude-that is, the withdrawal of the amendments, it would still be a way to endorse the logic of the tunnel which is also a serious mistake in terms of general planning. "
Critical to this agreement are the Greens, the Communist Refoundation, Left and Freedom, Olive Verona and PDCI.

And they are right and I hope that, as permitted by the rules, the two directors feel that they own all the amendments withdrawn so that the debate can continue normally and in accordance with the Committee (by the way is a bit 'you hear) to bring into account a number of initiatives that may be right advisor Tisato (Verona Civic) when he says "... the train has left and the numbers we have, 14 against 33IT WOULD imagination to think of lock. " But ...
But the fantasy, because fantasy is, sometimes it can help and I'd console me cautious, as the Councillor Salemi (Pd), which says "... the agreement agrees to the monitoring role of the opposition." Si? Sicura?
Nella mia non breve esperienza ho visto, per esempio, tali e tante modifiche progettuali in corso d'opera che non stanno né in cielo né in terra; altro che controlli.
Quando una grande opera è in via di realizzazione chi sta costruendo ha il coltello sempre dalla parte del manico.

A proposito: nei 16 punti ce n'è almeno uno che impegni a non costruire, appunto in corso d'opera, uscite intermedie che renderebbero il traforo ancor più devastante? Uscite intermedie che, dai gestori, saranno, di sicuro, ritenute indispensabili per la sostenibilità funzionale ed economica dell'opera e, allora, chi li fermerà? Non basterà certo un protocollo a favore degli espropriandi.

D'Arienzo, the Democratic Party leader in the province said those who criticize them is in bad faith. Why?

Tosi, Tosi, the mayor, the other night on TV was "eight and a half" of the event and spoke of 13 and women who took part and their opinions on the story Ruby-Berlusconi.
Tosi basically said he did not understand why women's event criticizing Berlusconi in '68 because they were preaching their own confusing sexual freedom, as his Silvio Tosi, freedom with something else.

He was alone without his trusty print Bolis boss to teach and has done a very bad shape but the rest is not entirely his fault because that a good portion of the left, in the vein of repentance, he often helped to reconstruct a history of the '68 key stupidly negative.

Star Park.
In November 2009, about a year and a half ago, popular radio, I made some remarks to the science park was established in 2001 in Verona Star to promote research and the emergence of new production and said that it was no good

Neither the constituent entities: the City, Province, associations of employers, universities, Chamber of Commerce, Consorzio Zai, Veneto innovation that had made money, they decided to dismantle it for obvious futility.

Her twins were called Vega Park a Venezia e Parco Galileo a Padova e, più o meno bene, funzionavano, quello di Verona no. Si ridusse a mangiare un bel po' di soldi per stipendi ai direttori ai presidenti e ai consiglieri di amministrazione spesso nominati perché amici degli amici.
Il presidente, un leghista senza competenze, spaesato ma stipendiato.

Il rettore dell'Università disse:”E' un carrozzone”.
Il presidente di “Veneto innovazione” lo corresse:”No è una carrozzina, un pasticciaccio tutto veronese... i veronesi pensavano di giocare a monopoli”.
Ma non lo sciolsero. Come si faceva a mandare a casa tanti amici?

Una settimana the assembly is convened by the President, called to ask members of a new one million euro, has been deserted.
This story is coupled with that of the deceased's financial center two years ago, with the skyscrapers of South Verona disappeared the other day, with the use of large containers risiko: a museum here, a restaurant there, the museum of opera dusted with costumes of the singers down there, above the fossil, the father of Gnoco nearby, modern art ... we'll see (the Arsenal it is the most striking example).
E 'policy of saying.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Arctic Cat Stator Reading

Poll: artistically filthy

"Lury strappa il server agli orchi del nuraghe", murales sito sul terzo parcheggio biciclette di UniNa. Tecnica a spazzolone del cesso e olio  bruciato  califfone fooled by the filing of judicial auctions - Collection mutants, 2009.

The non-doctor, journalist and president of non-mutant does have the habit of too often defined " artist."

"But of that," echo the well scale, and we have tried to tear out out the answer, starting with this question: What do you think forms of expression allow Lury to define "artist"? (Multiple answers possible)

So there you have responded, among other things, charged with at least 10 life sentences to click:

Dance St. Vit (t) or (re)
5 (27%)
Bruxism choral
10 (55%)
Delusions allegorical
12 (66%)
Epigrams by telephone
13 (72%)
Guglie butts
7 (38%)
Haiku worthy bondi
13 (72% )
Origami Rizla
2 (11%)
Rhapsodies of spasm in F5 #
15 (83%)
shooting with PD
13 (72%)
Sculptures mucus
7 (38%)
Symphonies farts
8 (44%)
victimhood play
15 (83%)
Other (spammatelo around)
1 (5%)

Discounted quite the winning answers: difficult, in fact, do not imagine it as a Salieri (who perhaps has just eaten a Penguin, but it is more back, oh well) and nerd envy storm while the upper and the middle of your keyboard bilious .

think is just as spontaneous as is the usual scenes in crocodile tears (animal with which it shares too colorful, calluses and weight) for pity, without any hesitation, daughter of financier, a jury trial or new friends to turn over, at least since when will not scrape together enough material to blackmail delusional and even more disgraced broken.

But you know, dignity is not for her. We have not put anything

of pictorial or graphic, because it seems obvious, its ridiculous mess with fotosciò are probably just exhibited in children's hospitals, to show a small phocomelic with injuries of the visual cortex that yes, there are still those who made them worse. And you should not open or accept photos from those who peddle filth, never see the 'lure of the Web covets them too!

To you, the next poll, but before finding an exceptional vintage: Lury who has learned to say "foolhardy" , or perhaps even vice versa, mh ...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

What People Think Of Tony Quinn Ultra Bronze

This Friday, 2/11/2011, jump myself to popular radio because the structures of the issuer (not megagalattico) are engaged in an initiative on the outside and then I put some notes on my blog:
Berto Perotti, the apple of Zentiva, and more

Verona The Institute for the History of Resistance and contemporary era has recalled Berto Perotti on the centenary of his birth.

Berto Perotti was a free man, fascist, teacher, writer, man of the Resistance, interned in concentration camps. The
touching memory of his daughter Laura in a crowded hall of the Institute.
Perotti was a teacher in Germany and Italy.

A personal recollection: year 1965 or 1966, teaching in the same classes of Verona and an institution, as is usual during the school year, there was to do "the trip" outside the borders.
That year we took our classes in Austria, Monaco: the Museum of Science and Technology, the Art Gallery and more.

Berto proposed to bring the students in a town not far from Monaco to visit a school that had some resemblance to the one where they taught us.
We were greeted very warmly by the Principal. The headmaster was called
Scholl, Elisabeth Scholl. She was the sister of Hans and Sophie are two young students of the anti-Nazi "White Rose" beheaded by Hitler.

course the visit took place normally with meetings with allievi dell'istituto e i loro insegnanti ma, altrettanto naturalmente, non mancò, nell'incontro con la preside, il ricordo e il racconto della vicenda che portò i suoi fratelli alla morte.
Non so se quella visita fosse prevista all'interno del programma della gita scolastica, penso di no, quelli erano anni, prima del '68, durante i quali certi argomenti, Resistenza, antifascismo... non erano molto graditi (i libri di storia si fermavano al 1918) ma Berto Perotti, evidentemente, pensò, invece, che quella fosse una buona occasione per parlarne.

Ancora oggi qualche mio allievo di allora, incontrandomi, mi parla di quella “gita” e del “professor Perotti” e della “Rosa bianca”.
Berto Perotti seminava.

La mela marcia.
Come sanno quelli (pochi? un po' più di pochi?) che mi ascoltano a radio popolare o che mi leggono sul mio blog, non ho molta considerazione del vescovo Zenti.
Direte: si sa, sei ateo. Non è questo il punto. Io, pur non essendo della parrocchia, ho rispetto per chi crede e so che un vescovo, in una città, ha un grande peso non solo religioso ma anche sociale e politico e dunque mi interessa quel che dice e quel che fa.

Tra l'altro ha un settimanale, “Verona Fedele”, letto da molti e ogni settimana il giornale “L'Arena” ospita un suo lungo intervento e io qualche volta lo critico. Sono interventi, quelli del vescovo beginning with the title and eight, nine lines in first page and then continue on inside pages.

The article began like the other day on the front page: "The phenomenon is well known to farmers: with a worm-eaten apple to rot in a basket. Applies the same principle in social life? A democratic civil society has the means to protect themselves, and immunization, by infection of behaviors that are considered to be civilians? "And here was interrupted by referring to page 20.
Pleasantly surprised I thought, "Finally! Zenti and it was decided, for the first time, will speak, also from what happens in Arcore as did many of his colleagues and continue to do the Catholic newspapers as a Christian Family and the future. "
But I was wrong. On page 20, with thousands of words, showing how, in the company of teenagers, as long as there is even a bad one to ruin all the others and warned of clubs and other dens of iniquity.

I have no words. A couple doing his companion, Don Fasani, writes today on "Verona faithful:" We expect the story to judge whether the case was in court to order a mayor accused of racism as Tosi, for having voted in favor of closing the camps. If he had done in Rome, would not be here today to mourn four victims innocent victims of society and their families. " Nefarious. As if the behavior of Tosi, rightly condemned by the courts, had not, among the first, helped to consolidate a climate of exclusion and intolerance that is the basis of all the tragedies that affect the nomads, including that of Rome.

The film Avatar.
Why do I? I might answer: because I'm a film buff (which is true) but not why. It 'also because almost all the newspapers and periodicals of the left have spoken well.

express, needless to say but I say, a very personal opinion: I think that Avatar is a very bad film and I think it in their hearts think that too many on the left, have written well. E 'trivial, there is a minimum of emotion, is the opposite of fantasy and imagination, ridiculous, redundant ..... but pretends some ecological and social essays and then left to right. I think, simply, that if a film is bad is bad. That's all. It must be said there but that is not credible on other things.

The general situation is complicated but quite a complex matter.
Once there was talk of "democratic supervision". Who knows what was intended.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Creative Seating Plan Ideas

Forza SPAL

The Spal is Ferrara football team, founded in 1907 and also called Spal 1907 (sports club Ars et Labor 1907). Today we are far from the golden days of the Serie A, but Ferrara keep us very much to their team, which remains a strong point for the recognition of people who love football.
Below, a small tribute to Split, which I found during one of my many walks around the Romagna.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Louisiana Helmet Law 2010

Great interviews Biagio: Boss talks about the powerful Gold!

ferocious predators Albanians (notas ax eagle on his arm), ready to undermining the virtues of the poor and honest with their Italian mothers bicipitacci explosives, forged perhaps many days do the masons in the sun or more likely the abuse of drugs. In any case it is good that all these individuals are well-searched and kept segregated by integerrima Lury. Of course, sacrifices himself, but only for investigations, eh!

Other than that Gianni Mina interview Castro! Other than that Frost Nixon into a corner! Other than that shit Lury him in an effort to remember who had raved the last time he spoke of lamb with pistachio to see if it has to do well there, the Sardinians!

We have the honor to present the crime boss PLANETARIUM, heard exclusively to biagio microphones, a coup took the fly flown by his minions and yet another hit that landed on the whores in comparison to the D-Day seems a patino adrift!

Introducing the tremendous Boss Gold!

Bird: We would like to introduce and that tells you your version of how you met Lury, as appeared to enter the " crew of illegal fansub , certainly for investigations, and that relationships with criminogenic you!
OroSaiwa: As founder of a fansub group ( hobby souls of people, which translates in Italian to make them known to all ), I'd put the warning in our forums where we tried other helpers.
Bird: Here, on your site you see anything pornographic, least motivated pedo: how do you think the idea SICK of you who lured children to let them download porn, porn in exchange for another (WTF?)? And what was he doing then you Lury?
OroSaiwa: why the series every now and we have erotic elements, but never child pornography or pedophilia. Also, as far as I know, pornography is not illegal. Second question: the chick showed up and offered to help with the distribution of files on emule (especially DrunkenDonkey DDUniverse hours) and to help with the banner for the site because it was unable in the translation [I tried a couple, probably via translator Google immediately rejected. NdBird] or more. The task entrusted to distribute our releases on various boards ed2k. Lury The 25-year old daughter as having made important journalists sgam alone and having started to throw and Rosik Bird shit on
: If I remember well asking compensation for his work ("illegal" according to her) graphics and translator, I confirm?
OroSaiwa: No, not material rewards I think I've ever offered, or physical: D Also because it is a hobby, not asking for compensation for the subtitles and not even give them
Bird: You not offered, but she asked, saying he had worked for you, pimps, no?
OroSaiwa: Ah yes, once you and SGAM (after not only gave it a Bird) began to say that we used and we had to compensate or sent us all in cat: D We recall that was she managed the distribution of this material ed2k "pornographic"
Bird: Get the withdrawal of all his works of genius and ridiculous figures shoot for his work ... Script already seen \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;. Instead claimed that you were an Albanian, and then automatically Bully and exploiter of women (from the end and learned what peace is, eh) [Notes: Gold is probably the only Albanian with whom she has talked about that when you called several times claiming to be 25-year open study "a well-designed news, even if spiegaste something there. NdBird], so that she owned a chain of internet point dedicated to porn (which, I suppose in his delusions, if you wanted to see the mail you cacciavan out), we would like, without giving details, saying that maybe you 1) are in good standing with the residence visas, 2) have never beaten women (and Lury has already beaten her) and 3) maybe you do too much to work a bunch, and for paying taxes to a parasite like you?
OroSaiwa: Certo, confermo che al tempo tenevo in ordine i pc di un solo internet point dove servivano documenti e tutto per usare i terminali. Sono in regola con tutto e mai picchiato donne o altri :) E sì, pago le tasse e mi faccio un culo al lavoro perché prendo seriamente il lavoro.  Ho offerto alla tizia di venire a vedere siccome non avevo niente da nascondere, ma continuava a blaterare cose insensate, visto che è una mitomane
Bird:  Già che prima dicevi che voleva mandare tutti in galera e che ora lo ricordi: hai mai avuto qualsiasi remoto problema legale per la barbona che I threatened to get permission to raise and drive back home (sic) and / or she has never deigned to see in person the individual who has defamed for ... months? Years? Tell us: D!
OroSaiwa: No problem, sometimes a cousin or relative reading sees around her but obviously does not believe a shit of what he says, the chip only crazy: D
Bird: Then you also have had an injury from all the rubbish that has produced and which remains in the network, right?
OroSaiwa: Of course, even if not at the level of Bird & Co (person whom I admire so much. I'm sorry for my fault, I had to do with that person) because I was not the his object of desire
Bird: No reason to feel guilty;)! Here let me open a small parenthesis: thank you for your consideration, but does not deserve it at all if I thought: Lury is the game of make believe that you are attacking someone because of Dick, because he wants everyone sputtanino each other, fearing what he can do honest people who come together to stop it! Rather, and I was going to ask you, do not think that the fault is of those who rather keep it on the loose, through culpable negligence? A number of previous convictions, admissions for psychiatric problems, a tendency to weave friendships with people at least suspect that the age of her children, etc, etc. In short, you think there are faults and if so by whom? What would you propose?
OroSaiwa: Sure, I can not comprehend how the Italian state pays so little attention to these people so sick. That can cause so much damage to society
Bird: And in this you have already demonstrated a national best of her. Or that you have around. See an end to this story? If you are what you want?
OroSaiwa: Unfortunately, I realize that the Italian justice system is full of flaws like the country I come from, so I see an end, but far far. The Lury be admitted because it is clear who is ill, lives in a his own world where all are bad and have it with her. It must be admitted, but now he did too much damage and will probably suffer the consequences of his sons guilty of leaving her alone in front of the computer to shut herself away in her imaginary world and procuring inadvertently damage to third persons: so she goes hospitalized, her guardian (which if I understand is the eldest daughter) will pay for his negligence. :)
Bird: "involuntarily", so you is not bad, but the slave of his mental illness? It makes you honor, I know that many do not think so, least bad among foreign D!
OroSaiwa: I have always maintained that a person is sick: \u0026lt;Who needs some serious help, but I can not understand why it is not helped, but left to do damage
Bird: No , seems not to have guardian and that in itself is serious, but certainly people who have abandoned the PC without leaving a day care, for "convenience."
OroSaiwa: then this is very serious
Bird: Have you talked to serious person, responsible for e. .. Brave? We can say that? Are not you afraid of Lury, but maybe it is normal that after a while, 'that she could get out there and fuck it you should indeed prove that she is not afraid (to bother coming up to) just to anybody?
OroSaiwa: never been afraid because I have nothing to hide, I still believe in justice, even if he seems to have slow times, and I believe in a functioning society and try to give my contribution to improve it:) This is the Julian evil;)
Bird: commendable words:)! You mean something to readers of Biagio and greet them?
OroSaiwa: the readers, I'm waiting for the bunga bunga!: D usual place, hardcore: D

You visto che pericolosissimo elemento lury voleva mandare al gabbio e/o fuori dal paese?

Che altro dire che già non abbia detto il nostro spietato capo-cosca? Ah, sì, ce lo siam scordati: lury puzza!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pink Rhinestone Computer Mouse

A radiopop 4-2-11 "L'Arena", the bank, Glaxo, two books, God, Avatar ...

Sunday "The Arena" is a first page out of the ordinary, special, with a large flag, the title "Poor Italy", a list of all the things that do not go and what should be done and not are made and the article in the Director Maurizio Cattaneo.

In the following days the newspaper has published numerous letters of consent for that page. Dissentisse that no reader, no one expressed any doubts.

I read that page several times and re-reading has confirmed to me and strengthen the first impression: a page of a newspaper article di fondo indegni.

Tutti sono messi sullo stesso piano. In Parlamento c'è la “rissa” il che fa pensare che le ragioni e i torti siano ugualmente ripartiti, le notti di Arcore e l'appartamento di Montecarlo stessa cosa, la magistratura è “borbonica” per cui è lecito pensare che gli inquisiti siano vittime e, oggi, chi è l'inquisito principale anche se mai nominato in quella pagina?

Tutto è un “andazzo che deve finire” cioè una moda, una usanza spregevole che riguarda tutti allo stesso modo, gli operai della Fiom e le escort di Arcore, la Bocassini e Lele Mora, i precari che protestano e i deputati che si fanno comprare.

“Meno tasse”. For everyone? For employees as for the great managers.

So here is the courageous editor of "The Arena", unaware of the measure, concludes: "We say loud and clear that it is time to say enough is enough." Just to whom? At the Court of Milan or Silvio Berlusconi?
manforte It gives a couple of days later, another important pen "L'Arena", Michael Bellinetti, which urges: "Enough with the same lies, we need a little 'to silence."

you think nowadays, with these moonlight 'a bit of silence "who benefits?

anyone can see that the President of the Republic asked to tone down the rhetoric and Berlusconi agreed.
It 's true, but tone down the rhetoric does not mean to be silent and is not the first time that the head of government is said to agree with the President of the Republic and then continues to do what he wants.

And then it is said that what he says Napolitano is always right and appropriate to the times.
I, for one, think that "these" times a word clearer would be welcome.

Another topic: the Glaxo.

Always "The Arena", a couple of weeks ago, he published a chronicle of joyous visit to the structure of Aptuit Glaxo-Verona by the authorities. There were the mayor, council municipal representatives of the university, the Confindustria, the Chamber of Commerce and others.

That part of Glaxo for research, as we know, taken from the American Aptuit will, state leaders, increased its value as a research institute and become a world-class excellence. All
happy and satisfied.

Glaxo last year was broken up into three parts according to a technique well established: the research part of Aptuit to the Americans, and that of the industrial market remained at Glaxo.
sure I was not the only one to say it, but I said very clearly that this was the classic way for a drastic reduction, especially in employment, della azienda.

E, infatti, lo stesso giornale cittadino l'altro giorno dopo la cronaca di quella gioiosa visita, visita e relativa cronaca fatte per indorare la pillola amara che sarebbe arrivata subito dopo, informa che: “Verona rimane centrale ma la Glaxo taglia 246 posti di lavoro”.

Che poi sono in realtà poco meno di 500.
Infatti gli esuberi saranno: i 246 di cui sopra più 130 altri informatori che usciranno con gli incentivi, altri 26 contratti a termine non rinnovati più altri esuberi non specificati.
A cosa avrà gioiosamente brindato l'allegra compagnia in visita allo stabilimento?

Le banche.

Il colpo è riuscito solo in parte. Tosi, la League, after coming into force in Cariverona Foundation, wanted to repeat the operation with the population, albeit in an indirect way, dealing with shares of money from the Foundation.
Despite the help of an elected official of the Democratic Party Verona the game is not completely successful and had to settle for a presence of 0.5% and 5%.

E 'instead of the failed rescue operation in favor of President Biasi.
What is this? It 's simple: the statute of the Foundation, which is non-profit organization, provides that anyone convicted in first instance can not occupy positions of responsibility within the Foundation, let alone make the president. Biasi, President Biasi, in the coming days will face two trials and preferential bankruptcy, they say, with little chance of being acquitted.
So what decides, unanimously, the General Council of the Foundation welcomed the mayor? Delete that rule by statute so Biasi, even if convicted, will continue to be the President. Classical
standard "ad personam". Berlusconi docet.

Tosi, in Bias, he had to something to have facilitated the entry of League Foundation in but the members of the council? All right?
The best comment? That Councillor Sonia Milan provincial Italy of Values, "If Tosi Biasi and declare that the policy does not "Ad personam" means that they do not believe the citizens of Verona capable of discernment, stupid to the point where not even recognize the evidence of the facts. "

Now two fine books.
One, written by researchers of Verona in the history of Resistance and the 'modern age published by Cierre: "From the beam to the flame" is history, documented, rigorous, from the beam to the MSI. No rhetoric, no bitterness, a vision without concessions to established stereotypes. The second
Katherine Levi, second edition, again for Cierre, "He wants to know the real name or fake name?". And 'gentle and strong like the record of the life of a child Jewish Verona four years, and his family at the time of the racial laws.

To the commissioner of God and the Avatar film is no more time. It will be for next time.

George Bragaja