Great interviews Biagio: Boss talks about the powerful Gold! ferocious predators Albanians (notas ax eagle on his arm), ready to undermining the virtues of the poor and honest with their Italian mothers bicipitacci explosives, forged perhaps many days do the masons in the sun or more likely the abuse of drugs. In any case it is good that all these individuals are well-searched and kept segregated by integerrima Lury. Of course, sacrifices himself, but only for investigations, eh!
Other than that Gianni Mina interview Castro! Other than that Frost Nixon into a corner! Other than that shit
Lury him in an effort to remember who had raved the last time he spoke of lamb with pistachio to see if it has to do well there, the Sardinians!
We have the honor to present the crime boss PLANETARIUM, heard exclusively to biagio microphones, a coup took the fly flown by his minions and yet another hit that landed on the whores in comparison to the D-Day seems a patino adrift!
Introducing the tremendous Boss Gold!
Bird: We would like to introduce and that tells you your version of how you met Lury, as appeared to enter the "
crew of illegal fansub , certainly for investigations, and that relationships with criminogenic you!
OroSaiwa: As founder of a fansub group (
hobby souls of people, which translates in Italian to make them known to all ), I'd put the warning in our forums where we tried other helpers.
Bird: Here, on your site you see anything pornographic, least motivated pedo: how do you think the idea SICK of you who lured children to let them download porn, porn in exchange for another (WTF?)? And what was he doing then you Lury?
OroSaiwa: why the series every now and we have erotic elements, but never child pornography or pedophilia. Also, as far as I know, pornography is not illegal. Second question: the chick showed up and offered to help with the distribution of files on emule (especially DrunkenDonkey DDUniverse hours) and to help with the banner for the site because it was unable in the translation [I tried a couple, probably via translator Google immediately rejected. NdBird] or more. The task entrusted to distribute our releases on various boards ed2k.
Lury The 25-year old daughter as having made important journalists sgam alone and having started to throw and Rosik Bird shit on
: If I remember well asking compensation for his work ("illegal" according to her) graphics and translator, I confirm?
OroSaiwa: No, not material rewards I think I've ever offered, or physical: D Also because it is a hobby, not asking for compensation for the subtitles and not even give them
Bird: You not offered, but she asked, saying he had worked for you, pimps, no?
OroSaiwa: Ah yes, once you and SGAM (after not only gave it a Bird) began to say that we used and we had to compensate or sent us all in cat: D We recall that was
she managed the distribution of this material ed2k "pornographic" Bird: Get the withdrawal of all his works of genius and ridiculous figures shoot for his work ... Script already seen \u0026lt;_ \u0026lt;. Instead claimed that you were an Albanian, and then automatically Bully and exploiter of women (from the end and learned what peace is, eh) [Notes: Gold is probably the only Albanian with whom she has talked about that when you called several times claiming to be 25-year open study "a well-designed news, even if spiegaste something there. NdBird], so that she owned a chain of internet point dedicated to porn (which, I suppose in his delusions, if you wanted to see the mail you cacciavan out), we would like, without giving details, saying that maybe you 1) are in good standing with the residence visas, 2) have never beaten women (and Lury has already beaten her) and 3) maybe you do too much to work a bunch, and for paying taxes to a parasite like you?
OroSaiwa: Certo, confermo che al tempo tenevo in ordine i pc di un solo internet point dove servivano documenti e tutto per usare i terminali.
Sono in regola con tutto e mai picchiato donne o altri :) E sì, pago le tasse e mi faccio un culo al lavoro perché prendo seriamente il lavoro.
Ho offerto alla tizia di venire a vedere siccome non avevo niente da nascondere, ma continuava a blaterare cose insensate, visto che
è una mitomane Bird: Già che prima dicevi che voleva mandare tutti in galera e che ora lo ricordi: hai mai avuto qualsiasi remoto problema legale per la barbona che I threatened to get permission to raise and drive back home (sic) and / or she has never deigned to see in person the individual who has defamed for ... months? Years? Tell us: D!
OroSaiwa: No problem, sometimes a cousin or relative reading sees around her but obviously does not believe a shit of what he says, the chip only crazy: D
Bird: Then you also have had an injury from all the rubbish that has produced and which remains in the network, right?
OroSaiwa: Of course, even if not at the level of Bird & Co (person whom I admire so much. I'm sorry for my fault, I had to do with that person) because I was not the his object of desire
Bird: No reason to feel guilty;)! Here let me open a small parenthesis: thank you for your consideration, but does not deserve it at all if I thought: Lury is the game of make believe that you are attacking someone because of Dick, because he wants everyone sputtanino each other, fearing what he can do honest people who come together to stop it! Rather, and I was going to ask you, do not think that the fault is of those who rather keep it on the loose, through culpable negligence? A number of previous convictions, admissions for psychiatric problems, a tendency to weave friendships with people at least suspect that the age of her children, etc, etc. In short, you think there are faults and if so by whom? What would you propose?
OroSaiwa: Sure, I can not comprehend how the Italian state pays so little attention to these people so sick. That can cause so much damage to society
Bird: And in this you have already demonstrated a national best of her. Or that you have around. See an end to this story? If you are what you want?
OroSaiwa: Unfortunately, I realize that the Italian justice system is full of flaws like the country I come from, so I see an end, but far far. The Lury be admitted because it is clear who is ill, lives in a his own world where all are bad and have it with her. It must be admitted, but now he did too much damage and will probably suffer the consequences of his sons guilty of leaving her alone in front of the computer to shut herself away in her imaginary world and procuring inadvertently damage to third persons: so she goes hospitalized, her guardian (which if I understand is the eldest daughter) will pay for his negligence. :)
Bird: "involuntarily", so you is not bad, but the slave of his mental illness? It makes you honor, I know that many do not think so, least bad among foreign D!
OroSaiwa: I have always maintained that a person is sick: \u0026lt;Who needs some serious help, but I can not understand why it is not helped, but left to do damage
Bird: No , seems not to have guardian and that in itself is serious, but certainly people who have abandoned the PC without leaving a day care, for "convenience."
OroSaiwa: then this is very serious
Bird: Have you talked to serious person, responsible for e. .. Brave? We can say that? Are not you afraid of Lury, but maybe it is normal that after a while, 'that she could get out there and fuck it you should indeed prove that she is not afraid (to bother coming up to) just to anybody?
OroSaiwa: never been afraid because I have nothing to hide, I still believe in justice, even if he seems to have slow times, and I believe in a functioning society and try to give my contribution to improve it:) This is the Julian evil;)
Bird: commendable words:)! You mean something to readers of Biagio and greet them?
OroSaiwa: the readers, I'm waiting for the bunga bunga!: D usual place, hardcore: D
You visto che pericolosissimo elemento lury voleva mandare al gabbio e/o fuori dal paese?
Che altro dire che già non abbia detto il nostro spietato capo-cosca? Ah, sì, ce lo siam scordati: lury puzza!