Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Do I Fix My Moen Tub

Poll: infallibility papponale

always using the computing power of our servers Sardinian-but-also-a-po'-Sicilian, here is a projection of how the computer would now Lury if you could get up and wash herself, you Note the floral pattern of my hair, a clear reference to the "Saturday of the coward," the poem was known to his cousin Vincent Distinguished Rucoline that always had tickets to the games for free thanks to accurate as dell'Avellino fantasiosissime defamed made to the police station in the first weekend, or even the elegant shawl made from towels cheated during their honeymoon in Ostia, containing the elegantly rounded figure of a filthy titanium fiber supplement made from the "De Gerolamo, Wallcoverings Industry and gushes Sure. "

After several years that we should all be in jail if only because readers of this blog , suppose some doubt on the remote to actively Lury was ALMOST born: surely our possession is delayed by red tape or hooks from our many mobsters, but she often continues to promise that tomorrow will be an unspecified

... is what? There we are asked: By now we all understand what the word is Lury , then we can say with absolute certainty that tomorrow will certainly ... (multiple answers possible)

and so we answered:

Accuse schiaccianti
  1 (5%)
Accuse schiaccianoci
  3 (17%)
Allusioni fumose
  5 (29%)
Deliri random
  10 (58%)
Fail a volontà
  11 (64%)
Foto e nomi!
  1 (5%)
Illazioni morbose/modaiole
6 (35%)
tests try
1 (5%)
11 (64%)
Screenshot lopsided
8 (47%)
Teoremi mitomani
  8 (47%)
Un cazzo di niente
  15 (88%)
Altro (spammatelo in giro)
  0 (0%)

Ben ritratta dunque la nostra (ma anche no) barbonazza d'accatto : trionfa l'opzione sulla sua sostanziale inanità , che è pure il modo in cui la nostra bimbona dai "capelli d'argento" (= tre peli del culo di color grigio topo morto di dissenteria  e dunque trapiantati sul molto somigliante cranio) affronta ogni giorno la vita da adulta. Cioè rifuggendola nel fiacco torpore, oltre a robuste impepate di fuga dalla realtà.

Naturalmente si piazzano bene pure puzza e fail a volontà : come farne a meno? Di un lavoro certamente sì, ma di loro assolutamente MAI!

Ma ora via, votate numerosi again next poll:)!


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