Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Wrestler, Catheter
other notes for the resumption of assistance Radiopop 13/09/2010
thieving Rome? Obituaries and incense, and chromosomes "Veronese".
Missing incense, not just the censers but also the newspapers and "participants the mourning for the death of the lawyer Luigi Righetti who have occupied whole pages of newspapers for several days, I would like an observation. The lawyer
Righetti, president of the group Athesis, group owner of the newspaper "L'Arena" in the "Giornale di Brescia" and "Giornale di Vicenza", was a man of great weight in Verona and the impact on important decisions for the city.
Last but not least, as mentioned by the former director Giuseppe Brugnoli on "Arena", that have stuck with a blitz night years ago along with Giorgio Zanotto and with the money from the Bank, the arrival of the press in Verona "Republic" when the newspaper "L'Arena" in financial difficulties, was for sale.
For some, including Brugnoli, was fortunate, for others, among them the writer, a disgrace.
In retrospect, today, noting, for example, the substantial difference between the information and opinions offered by "The Arena" and those available from internal Verona Il Corriere della Sera that "Il Corriere di Verona" I confirm that I believe.
E "Il Corriere di Verona" is not a Bolshevik sheet.
It is also said that the lawyer Righetti has been one of the leaders of the disappearance of a book. A book that dealt with the Verona and Verona who counted and counted again, politicians, journalists, bankers, industrialists, high priests .... represented with fancy names, but, however, recognizable.
For those wishing to learn more about the extraordinary and instructive story, almost unbelievable but true, the disappearance of that book, can go on my blog and look for the date 23 June 2009, the transcript of my speech on Radio Popolare.
another topic.
The president of one of the largest public companies in Verona, the Transport Company, is being investigated by the judiciary for the casual use of public money. It 's a doc League.
According to the magistrates would have improperly used cars and highways and drivers permits the company to go around Italy, he and her family, on vacation with hotel stays ever paid for with public money, that is ours, and for using company cars and drivers to accompany her daughter at the University of Padua and his wife to the store and for having did reimburse breakfasts consumed in Piazza Erbe without being moved from his seat as mayor of Sommacampagna. He
Transportation as well as chairman of the company is also imposed by Tosi, mayor of the town of Sommacampagna Northern League, part of the National Association of Shipping Companies, is manager of the Union small property owners, Uppi, Verona. As president
Transportation Company has a gross salary of 80 thousand euros per year (If it is increased a year ago). Summing up the various
presumed gross compensation of its various activities and removing about 45% we arrive at a reliable net monthly income of about 12 000 euros (24 million old lira). Few
for him because he was also forced to agree with a coffee in Piazza Erbe receipts for packages of drinks, never made, but it was reimbursed by his company.
When it comes to public money should, in my opinion, to clarify one thing that always is instead silenced and that public money does not come only from those who, having some work and income is not starvation wages, or would have to pay taxes but also by people, unemployed, precarious, bum buy a bag of bread or an orange at the supermarket because on every item sold part of the cost ends up with the VAT or other taxes, the rule in the pile of "public money". That is, those who put their hands in public money also puts his hands in the pockets of the unemployed, precarious workers, the homeless. Which makes it even more unbearable.
Arzignano (Vicenza), the highly League, is currently a vast operation of the Guardia di Finanza operation involving almost all of the tanning industry and the leather for a great round of bribes relating to bribery of officials of the Agency Revenue.
One of the officials under investigation for having pocketed bribes è il padre della sindaca leghista del comune veronese di Zimella. Quando gli inquirenti gli hanno chiesto come impiegasse il denaro delle bustarelle lui ha risposto: “Per il sostentamento del mio nucleo familiare....mia figlia ha comprato due piccoli appartamenti...ho partecipato alla spesa dandole una somma di denaro nell'ordine di 40 mila euro”.
La sindaca taglia corto: “Sono affari miei”. Il segretario provinciale della Lega Nord pure: “Se suo padre ha sbagliato non vedo perché debba essere lei a pagare”.
Non c'è alcun dubbio, le colpe dei padri non devono cadere sui figli. Neppure gli appartamenti pagati con le mazzette però.
Sullo stesso argomento.
Nel veronese sempre The Guardia di Finanza has found an association in these days, for years, encouraged illegal immigration by promising to place a non-Italian companies, non-existent after the payment of 7-8 thousand euros. The poor wretches were selling the house, raw or otherwise, paid, party, arrived in Italy and here, undocumented, they could not find anything or anyone except the police that when he found them, pushed them back, desperate to their country of origin.
Some managers have gone to jail including the president of the UGL union growers, with several others under house arrest and hefty charges including a member of the League already Albaredo city councilor and political secretary accused of guaranteed the illegal entry of at least 285 foreign nationals.
The President of the Regional Council of the League Friulu-Venezia Giulia, Ballaman, was forced to resign because he is investigating a story similar to that which concerns the president of the transport of Verona
"thieving Rome"? It will be the case that anyone would think an update of the slogan. Last
Zenti The bishop said in a conference that the mafia has taken root here too because the measure of living forced people arrived with "chromosomes unrelated to Verona."
A friend of mine phoned me saying, "But this is racism! "I reassured
: è solo stupidità padana.
Giorgio Bragaja
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