Monday, July 19, 2010
Sound And Audio Devices For Windows Xp
to pop radio on 14/07/2010 gardens and other Escrivà
Joseph Brugnoli has a weekly on giormale "The Arena", which was also the director, where he speaks, writes, customs, facts, people.
The other day, wrote of our city, as is continually changing and not for the better.
The idea was the transformation of the central Post Office building, a stone's throw from Piazza Erbe and Piazza dei Signori, in a luxury residence, a large dormitory for wealthy people.
the Post Office building, writes Brugnoli, along with other important areas of civic services, was "the city" its also a moral aspect.
luxury dormitory at night, from dawn until after dark, maybe you will be bothered by crowds of youths who drop out in the vast mass and distant suburbs, desolate accepted terms of poor housing, to get to the center a sognare davanti ad un bicchiere una vita meno solitaria e derelitta di quella che stanno vivendo tra lavori precari o disoccupazione in tutte le giornate.
Il degrado di una città non avviene tutto di un colpo ma comincia quando civiche amministrazioni abbandonano parte delle loro residenze nella città.
Fin qui Brugnoli. Tutto vero e tutto giusto e descritto con quel tanto di indignazione che non guasta.
Manca qualcosa però.
I giovani di cui scrive Brugnoli sono, in gran parte, i figli o i nipoti di quei cittadini veronesi, circa 30 mila, operai, artigiani, pensionati, impiegati che vivevano alla Carega, ai Filippini, a San Stefano, in Sottoriva e in altri rioni del centro, che alcuni decenni fa furono cacciati an economy hungry and without culture and a political consent and without the hope of a more just future.
was especially the forced migration that changed the face of the city.
And now the glass in Piazza Erbe and its youth of the suburbs is only an illusory return to the places described by their elders.
Which makes it even more sad ritual of rocking on Saturday night in Old Town.
another topic
The news I had missed me and some friends have mentioned.
The local press, and various national agencies, last week, reported, with much emphasis,
the following news:
"the presence of many authorities in the city Verona was named after the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva Balaguer of a pleasant green area. Situated between Via del Ponte and the Capulets riverside gardens san Josemaría Escrivá are very close to the Arena and Juliet's grave in keeping with the artistic vocation of the city and much frequented by tourists.
The plaque was unveiled by Mayor Tosi pointed out that the strong impulse given by Saint Josemaria the Catholic world in civil society.
The commissioner said that Polato Josemaria has left a mark on history with its message of hope. The commissioner Sboarina said the dedication of the gardens at Josemaria is a gesture that makes us happy and proud for all of Verona.
Risaltava una delegazione della Associazione Nazionale Alpini”.
Fin qui la notizia.
Il fondatore dell'Opus Dei è stato fatto santo da Wojtila alcuni anni fa con tempi da primato olimpico e una procedura, dicono in molti, alquanto disinvolta tanto è vero che l'attuale Papa, anche per questo, sta frenando la corsa del suo predecessore al “santo subito”.
Il buon Josemaria fu un appassionato sostenitore del dittatore Francisco Franco e quando Papa Montini nel 1966 abolì l' Index Librorum Prohibitorum in vigore dal 1559 lui, Josemaria, istituì, ricalcandolo, la “Guida Bibliografica dei libri vietati”.
Tra questi, libri di Alfieri, Adorno, Balzac, Bergson, Bobbio, Croce (l'opera completa), Cartesio, Kundera, Pascal, Pavese, Proust, Roth, Rousseau, Spinoza, Voltaire, Zola....per non parlare di Labriola, Gramsci, Marx e tantissimi altri.
L'Opus Dei ha case, palazzi, scuole, attività commerciali, alberghi, sparsi in tutta Italia e anche a Verona: via Duomo , via Leoncino, Torricelle....
Tutti, privati, enti pubblici, associazioni, partiti, giornali, aziende, presentano i loro bilanci. Che io sappia non esiste, in qualche parte, un bilancio dell'Opus Dei che si possa vedere.
Ora ha anche un suo giardino a Verona e secondo i sopracitati assessori è un fatto che ci dovrebbe “rendere felici e orgogliosi”.
The statements and comments that our assessors are in this and other occasions, their behavior, and prominent positions of responsibility, pay, covering the prestige that is granted to them, they put me at odds with myself .
Let me explain: I do not believe in miracles. But if there are no miracles can be explained as the existence of the miracles of the above?
present at the ceremony were apparently those of Opus Dei, in Verona, count for nothing, avvocaticchi, officer, a priest, but not the ones that really matter: bankers, industrialists, real estate agents. These have left solely to the representation appeared unconscious and with a side of Alpine tourists delighted. They have other locations, fixed and discrete tax.
The Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on July 14, which in France is a national holiday because on that day, many years ago, the French decided that they can no longer the King (simplification) and stormed the Bastille, the prison, a symbol of tyranny , said: "... it is time to cut the Italian Jacobinism."
About cuts and the Jacobins would anyone advise Berlusconi listen to a beautiful French folk song of those times: "ça ira", perhaps in the interpretation of Edith Piaf.
George Bragaja
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