Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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we were right, no one sees, hears, etc. ...."

On 28 October 2006 been forwarded to the court in Genoa the following letter:


the presiding judge of Genoa - home

spaces along the courthouse entrance to the top floor, you meet lots of signs reporting practices which serve to orient visitors to the offices required.
The work is certainly worthy of being considered meritorious, but a careful observation shows a clear and worrying anomaly.
At the foot of the sign is written that the project contained in a "collaboration" with the well-known spa San Giorgio, esattrice of taxes, which occupies the time to judicial reports throughout Italy for a number of offenses charged and in court .
This is particularly serious offenses and they are activities that the inspectors of the Ministry of Finance << defined as resulting from a conspiracy aimed at fraud to the detriment of the community >>.
So it seems natural to ask:
Chi ha deciso una tale "collaborazione"?
Su quali basi si è fondato il presupposto ?
Con quanta attenzione si valutano certi rapporti con soggetti quali quelli indicati ?
E' possibile credere in una "disattenzione"?
In attesa di cortese riscontro voglia gradire un augurio di buon lavoro.

Queste sono le foto dei cartelli che chiunque può ben vedere all'interno del palazzo.

Alla luce di quanto sta accadendo oggi, appare evidente che le responsabilità dovrebbero be well defined and pursued.


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