.. ... ....
RECCO, GE, a small town with about 10,200 inhabitants in two "very special"
Buccilli Gianluca a Assessore, poi sindaco per due mandati, oggi nuovamente assessore.
SAGGESE Giuseppe Esattore, Fideiussore, Informatico, Gestore di rifiuti ecc.
I personaggi di contorno, che appaiono all'interno della supertruffa:
ORTORI Mario Responsabile di Publiconsult-Socio dei due
REPETTO Lorenzo Sindaco di Castelletto d'Orba, AL-Socio dei due
PAGHERA Gianfranco Gardener - Partner of the two
GRILLI Giulio, Notary in Genoa-collaborator structure
Antonio DI PIETRO, IDV-Parliamentary Assistant to the image
COSMI Gianni Mayor-Aprilia Interested
Veruggio Mark Ex precarious the town of Genoa Interested
Pericu Joseph Mayor of Genoa Interested
REPETTO Alessandro President of the Province of Genoa was sheltered / Absent
LALLA Francis Attorney Cape Genova-Defilato/Assente
SCHENONE Thanks Maria - Collaborator
COAL Viviana - Collaborator
Gambuzza Anna - Collaborator
The society supertruffa:
S & Rt
Si tratta di circa 23 miliardi, per la cui raccolta, visto che non è segnalata una evasione particolare da parte degli abitanti, il Monte dei Paschi di Siena, utilizzato come esattore fino all’ anno prima per le tasse minori, avrebbe probabilmente applicato la solita percentuale: l’ 1,5%. Pari a 345 milioni. Viene invece deciso che la nuova società avrà un aggio del 30%: quasi sette miliardi. Come individuare il partner privato? Gara d’ appalto. A cavallo di Pasqua . Con il minimo di annunci possibile (due) the local newspaper and national smallest available (Latin America today and see if the unit), ten-ten-days time to make a pile of papers before the deadline and a clause to laugh well as those who collect taxes wins will have to arrange the flowers in the flowerbeds in the town. He could never be a company in the world of collectors and gardeners ? In fact, there 'was!
Both Sag. & Bucci. they were creating at the art .................... had a venue in April that Neptune, the first being Salieri 54 and the second being Sterlizia of 4.
Why did the local people and made them available?
Simple !....... another "daughter" born from couples Buccilli Saggese, a company called Business Communications and entered the CCIA of Genoa on 07/27/1998 and whose manager was the mind of 'operation of the Pontine Marshes: Buccilli Gianluca (full details below).
In addition - the rush often creates problems - formal defect, one of the participants had one (not two) bank guarantees. Race canceled. For the four participants, the Publiconsult Chiavari (Which is the driving force), the Soce Recco, the S & RT of Genoa and Brescia Paghera Lonato, that takes care of nurseries (sic ...), the addition of Aprilia ago, however, an interesting proposal: given that between you there 'is one who takes care of taxes and those of plants, because you do not join in a temporary grouping of' Business and become all our members?
Guess: accepted.
not only in a few weeks of asking 'enter the ride, under the same conditions, i comuni di Ardea (giunta del Polo, sindaco di An) e di Pomezia (giunta del Polo, sindaco di Forza Italia): 17% a testa, col 49% ai privati. Un patto di ferro da 100 miliardi l’ anno con scadenza tra venti anni. Per un totale di 2000 miliardi. Non basta: presi dall’ entusiasmo anche i vicini di Nettuno varano un appalto uguale identico destinato ad andare, come l’ altro, a vuoto. E chi partecipa? Gli stessi amici di Aprilia (compresa quella S&RT che a dieci anni dalla fondazione risulta avere «zero addetti indipendenti, zero addetti dipendenti») più un concorrente «X» che si ritira prima di gareggiare e più un terzo incomodo, la Gescap. Which few months later, coincidentally, will sign the ticket 'call for a cruise on the yacht Recco' City of Camogli (lunch on board and fireworks) guess who? That's right: with Publiconsult and Soce. Those that 'have' joke '. The percentage given to the group of debt collectors and the public partner, called for 2020 to manage the other 25 billion 'years for a total of 500, is the same: 36.75% of all taxes municipali.Non enough. In the agreements the municipalities recognize that this share, a premium of that not even Ghino heel would have to impose his face, he will be 70% to private shareholders who will deal with tax collection vera e propria. Dopodiché, tolte le spese (dipendenti, affitti, telefono: a carico degli enti pubblici) ciò che resta sarà diviso metà e metà.
Fermi tutti, scrive da Roma il ministero delle Finanze . E spiegando che la nuova legge 446 del 1997 dà sì il via libera ai comuni perché affidino la riscossione dei tributi proprio a società miste ma solo con soci iscritti a un apposito albo da istituire , in modo da non rischiare che un affare come quello finisca in mano a personaggi tipo i cugini Ignazio e Nino Salvo (i mitici esattori siciliani legati alla mafia), chiede chiarimenti immediati.
Risposta: zero.
At the ministry writes again: activated "immediately all appropriate steps to restore law and violated" .
Answer: zero .
Third letter. Finance want to know what was done "for the recovery of any sums paid to 'A. Ser by way of rebate. And remember dryly that "the return of 'collection activities carried out by third parties, may in no case be greater than that required by existing legislation" .
Answer: zero.
Indeed, it turns out Antonio Di Pietro interpellation that with amazing wonder why the finance to bring into disrepute the good stewards of Aprilia.
And the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Finance, Rosario Raco, a DS that does not care directives given by party colleague, Vincenzo Visco, the bully does and says, "letters from the Ministry ? They have no value . It says, "go to control other similar companies. I hope you close this page squalid political profiteering. " Scavenging
? And by whom? Sure, some City Council 's Opposition moves and the action but are lukewarm, with some exceptions, those of Forza Italy, National Alliance of those warm, warm as the CCD ... Not easy to do battle if the consortium are also governed by common Polo.
Two notes:
1-the day before the raid to the town of Castelletto d'Orba fire inexplicably takes an archive ....
2 - the public / private company that manages the taxes Castle - Alto Monferrato services - has the inside (perhaps for more control!) The mayor's wife Repetto.
It also appears that investigations have been launched by the Public Prosecutor of Velletri and that of Alexandria and that the said Attorney Alexandria has decided to seek the indictment of the mayor in question for false instrument, was condemned for this reason.
"Strangely," but this character was a member of the Board of Directors of Neptune Services, who knows what special merits or links with the town of the trident, perhaps because he is a dear friend of Buccilli?
3) What happens to Recco?
The two business partners, and Buccilli Saggese, are now ready for the big jump. They can afford thanks to a devastating campaign funds fielded by the sponsor will pay Lonato, which will own the Paghera Gianfranco poi arrestato assieme a Saggese e agli altri nell'inchiesta della Falcione e di cui si è letto poco sopra nella vicenda del Pontino.
PAGHERA mette soldi in abbondanza e fa stampare migliaia di videocassette nelle quali presenta il paese come sarà dopo la gestione del candidato Buccilli; la stampa dei volantini in carta patinata e di tutti i manifesti e le locandine in carta pregiata danno dimostrazione della potenza economica del megalomane SAGGESE.
A tutti i gonzi fa un effetto significativamente forte e Buccilli viene eletto con una maggioranza consistente il 13 aprile 1999; la lista, di centrodestra, non trova avversari anche perchè SAGGESE li controlla tutti essendo been in 1994, its directors "reference" for the first assignment of debt!
Buccilli Meanwhile, eight months after the election, on 23/12/1999, Saggese receives 14 million and another 4 from Publiconsult Engineering (C & Saggese always) leaving the Community and Enterprise Ltd giving its shares. As we have seen above IEC is the owner of the premises of April and Neptune in which it is carrying out the scam of the Pontine Marshes.
Buccilli was elected mayor with the money to PAY / PUBLICONSULT, was a member of two of the Pontine Marshes in the scam and was once mayor of a common collector who had a company of which he was a partner and that he had put the money into his campaign ............... what's wrong?
None .............. so much so that even the Prefect gave weight to the thing!!
The Prefect, unfortunately for us, and good for them, it was ...... ROMAN! So ....!
Buccilli was then was also the "well-known local character" who had received the 57 directors of the Pontine who had come to the fitting for the patron saint's day on 8 September to see the fireworks and enjoy the Ligurian cuisine in the restaurant " The Manuelina "invited by Soce & co.
How had received them?
In his capacity as mayor of the town of Recco?
In his capacity as member of the gang of swindlers of Latium?
In his capacity as owner of the premises of the cheating?
Or if they had invented another possible and credible?
Meanwhile, the newly elected junta, in full force, marched every Sunday morning in the town square in front of the obsequious and respectful Saggese machine (usually a very special and expensive Mercedes) parked in strict ban, while thanking " magnate, member of the mayor, for the generous elargizioni che avevano permesso la vittoria elettorale. (q uante foto eloquenti del leccaculismo degli amministratori recchesi!!)
Mai uno, tra i consiglieri e gli assessori, che si chiedesse dove sto tizio prendeva tutte quelle somme che dilapidava così vistosamente !
La stupidità può essere considerata una attenuante ???????????
Alla fine dell'anno 2000, il giorno 3 novembre, venerdì, si era tenuta una riunione di consiglio comunale che dibatteva diversi argomenti.
Prima della seduta aveva trovato spazio una riunione dei capi gruppo che doveva decidere that take place now in the investigation launched by the PM Falcione that was for all crimes committed by Saggese, notes, Repetto, Schenone, Coal & c . in the Pontine Marshes.
The issue was sensitive because the mayor was a member of Buccilli Publiconsult, and had the same ratio of service contract.
The meeting concluded with a zany document in which he denied the truth of the facts and the leader of the opposition (DS) was holding the cord with a "lick" beyond any logic, moreover, were several days that the DS Recco and those of April, spoke by phone to agree a common policy, so as with those of Castelletto d'Orba.
Despite this fact, Buccilli maintained the position of director, and availability of offices in April and Neptune where Publiconsult & c. continued to operate the business.
Some Italian towns, evidently managed correctly, is moving ahead with actions to be brought against the group companies Publiconsult / Soce that, at some point, substitute the name Spa in St. George and introduced a different image than before :
sponsored plenty of organizations and associations, not underestimating the appeal of media dell'effige saint slaying the dragon; approached prestigious achievements in preparing a project that would have led to regional Buccilli 2001, where later, for a forced-choice (?) Did not appear.
Annex No. 2
Chair: The Mayor | - Giuseppe Pericu |
Participant: The Secretary-General | - Alfredo gracile |
01 . 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. | Giuseppe Pericu Alberto Ghio Borzani Luca Luca Anna Castellano Dallorto John Facco Bruno Gabrielli Giorgio Guerello Luigi Liccardo Mario Margini Arcangelo Merella Roberta Morgano Andrea Sassano Valter Seggi Gianfranco Tiezzi Paolo Veardo | Presente Presente Assente G. Presente Presente Presente Assente G. Presente Presente Assente G. Presente Assente G. Presente Assente G. Presente Presente |
On the suggestion of the Planning and Economic and Financial Management - Funds - Taxes, dr. Luigi Licciardi, Given the managerial determination No 136, 29 October 2003 which, based on the Municipal Council Resolution No 861 of 07.08.2003, was awarded to RTI Publiconsult SpA (now San Giorgio SpA) - AIPA SpA - Engineering Sanità Enti Locali SpA the contract to clean up the database and recovery evasion ICI ICI; View the Municipal Council Resolution No. 921 of 29.09.2005 which was extended for a period of 12 months until 10/30/2006, the contract for the reclamation of the database ICI evasion and recovery; Vista managerial determination No 152, 14.11.2003 in which, according to the Municipal Council Resolution No. 800 of 24.07.2003, has been awarded to the company Publiconsult SpA (now S. Giorgio SpA) the service of rolling display of posters with tearing of those abuses and cover past due, the provision of electoral boards, removal of illegal advertising systems as well as undertaking routine maintenance and repairs plant intended for the public bill; View the Municipal Council Resolution No. 549 of 16.06.2005 which was approved the agreement between the company Gest Line SpA and the City of Genoa to the expectations and the improvement of collection service; Given that the relationship defined according to the aforementioned measures have the deadlines listed below: - 30.10.2006 contract for the reclamation of the database ICI evasion and recovery; - 15.11.2006 billboard service and routine maintenance and repairs plant; - 31.12.2006 collection service; Given that the activities covered by this measure is an area of \u200b\u200bprime importance for the administration as a direct impact on revenue body; Considered as a consequence need to ensure the current level of effectiveness and efficiency, continuity management and continuity of the trends, revenue at the current organization of services not than 31.12.2007; Given in particular that: - for the remediation of the database and ICI for the recovery of evasion, there remains a need for continuing settlement and assessment with consequent recovery of evasion, given that the suspension and / or slowing down of these activities have an adverse effect on the financial institution and that there is now the possibility of undertaking such organizational activities. It should also take into account the organizational and managerial factors that justify the extension of services contracts at issue in consideration of the reliability the contractor, the good results achieved and consolidated experience, resulting in the collection activities helps keep the flow of entry programs, to which reference is made to give primary justification for the extension also considered that the economic is expected to lower annual expenditure than in the past equal to about 2.9%; - regarding the service postings, information obtained from other civic authorities on the compensation paid to companies conducting similar services confirm that the current economic conditions are particularly advantageous, therefore, the choice of calling for a special negotiated procedure is likely to lead to the award con oneri a carico della civica amministrazione notevolmente più alti di quelli attuali e che sussistono fattori di ordine organizzativo e gestionale che giustificano la proroga dell'appalto dei servizi in argomento in considerazione dell'affidabilità della società appaltatrice nonché della consolidata esperienza; si allegano (allegato A) i risultati dell'indagine effettuata che danno convincente dimostrazione della convenienza economica; - per quanto riguarda il servizio di riscossione, permane l'esigenza di rendere più efficaci le procedure di riscossione attraverso l'affidamento in convenzione dell'attività; Considerato che i servizi svolti dal R.T.I. S. Giorgio SpA - AIPA SpA - Engineering Sanità Enti Locali SpA for the remediation of ICI database and recovery evasion and S. Giorgio SpA regarding the service billboards are preparatory and instrumental activities of assessment and collection of taxes and other revenues by the municipality, respectively, in this case the ICI and the bill-posting and in investigating and prosecuting offenses and illegal situations occurring within the territory of the Municipality of Genoa; Viewed art. Decree No 3 of 30.9.2005 203, with amendments into law 12/02/2005 n. 248, on measures to combat tax evasion and urgent measures in taxation and financial matters; Viewed in particular art. 3, paragraph 25 of the l. 248/2005, which states that may be extended up to 31.12.2010 the current contracts between local authorities and companies listed in the register referred to in art. 53, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 446/1997, with particular reference to collection activities, among which it is intended to cover, for the reasons of economic convenience, service billboards; Given that the companies mentioned are listed in the register referred to in Article . 53, paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree no. 446/1997; Visas Annex opinion on the regularity Technical hereof delivered by the Head of the competent authority and legitimacy of the opinion expressed by the Secretary General;
1) to extend no later than 31.12.2007: a. the contract for the reclamation of the database and recovery evasion ICI assigned with no managerial determination 136, 29 October 2003 and extended by resolution of the City Council No 921 of 29.09.2005; b. service and billboards routine maintenance and repairs plant awarded with no managerial determination 152, 14.11.2003; c. the collection service in the Municipal Council Resolution No. 549 of 16.06.2005; 2) to authorize the Tax Department, assisted by the Unit Organizational Tenders and contracts for the refurbishment formal, through the adoption of special measures, the contracts concerned, even in the light of reference standard. |
The Mayor | The Secretary General |
This resolution is posted on the Praetorian mail the City for 15 days with effect from 27 / 10/2006 pursuant to art. 124 - paragraph 1 - the TUDLgs. August 18, 2000 No 267. |
E 'has become enforceable under Article. 134 - paragraph 3 - the TUDLgs. August 18, 2000 No 267, the day 07/11/2006 . |
technical advice | |
the team leader ennio dynamic |