Sunday, January 30, 2011

What To Wear To A Brown University Interview

Poll: placement office filthy mothers of shit! Par

Ebbene sì, ci sono momenti in cui è bello sentirsi italiani: quando vince la nazionale, quando c'è da prendere in giro altri popoli per usi che non capiamo o quando c'è da invocare per noi la stessa assenza di regole di cui ci siam sempre lamentati! E quale migliore vessillifera per noi tutti, popolo dello stivale, della parassita statale più bieca, lercia e spregevole che si possa concepire? Vai, lury maialina (poco) coraggiosa! Guidaci verso il baratro, ma non con il tuo solito passo malfermo: scrocca un'auto e vai spedita, clacsonando pure a chi avanza meno deciso di te!

Gennaio, riparte l'anno, ci sono posizioni lavorative aperte un po' a tutti i livelli, ma son poche, sia per la crisi, sia per l'aver avuto per qualche lustro governanti il cui orizzonte temporale non supera le 24H.

Quale occasione migliore dunque per proporre alla nostra barbonazza d'accatto non-preferita un utile sistema per farsi due soldini e magari levare un po' lo sformato culone dallo scranno donde è solita lanciare strali un po' a cazzo (e sempre più pavidamente crazy, we see that after the last schiaffonazzate judicial doghouse bass think that if some other time then you will forget its mischief: what is an illusion!).

We in fact asked: What kind of jobs do you think now Lury would be willing to do? (Multiple answers possible)

And there you have responded as follows:

Prime brothel
8 (42%)
Barbona full time
16 (84%)
undertaker lice
13 (68%)
Director de "Il Giornale"
3 (15%)
Beauty Co.Pro. (Fag.)
4 (21%)
Journalist cock
1 (5%)
Journalist Porcelain
1 (5%)
Journalist serious
0 (0%)
8 (42%)
Elementary Teacher
0 (0%)
Manovale (from glory hole)
2 (10%)
dustman precarious
6 (31%)
views on tg1
1 ( 5%)
Parasite professional
18 (94%)
Perpetual Don Zauker
3 (15%)
encyclopedia salesman
1 (5%)
13 (68%)
Poll pdl
11 (57%)
little urban traffic warden
0 (0%)
Zotico Mezzadra
14 (73%)
Other (spammatelo around)
0 (0%)

The message seems clear: that Lury insist on doing what it has always done and can better, or the parasite . Oh God, "better" ... We say "least worst", it should be ', at least until he dominated offspring to keep in check with ricattini and guilt and negligent health care facilities that they always leave too loose.

course, there would also be that "full time homeless " well-rated, second perhaps only because some thought it already was. We, however, for once like to point out that even if the same Lury came here to press "vote" (and we certainly do not think so, eh! If not it would be like admitting that it is so frustrated by failure and come here, I know, well as a little boy pretending to be admin or even blog anonymously recognizable) would have the courage to give assignments that require qualifications, responsibilities, and why not, mental stability, as teachers (though to be among the pubescent certainly stimulate much ), a serious journalist (seeee. ..) or traffic warden (imagine how many abuses of power are trying to do since the first day!).

No, sir: Lury has a well defined role in society, which is basically similar to that of paramecia or tapeworms in the food chain, except that she carries on with more arrogance & dirt!

And while we hope that the Italian taxpayer, sooner or later be able to eradicate pests like her, under the new poll °°°/!

PS: Picture theme, as always, we promise to return with fiQoni, but many of our players leave us, especially in private demands are very different, and now, as an input with cookies preferences we see far away, we satisfied for now to turn a bit 'all ok: D?

PPS: other cloning Lury, is just doing school o!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Call My Undies Knickers

Paesi e sapori a Ferrara

An important local festival this weekend in Ferrara, in Piazza Trento e Trieste.
Saturday 29 and Sunday, January 30 will smell the square of local and regional Italian, with cooking demonstrations and free tastings.

To learn more about trade show products Italian culinary excellence , CLICK HERE

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mount And Blade Wedding Dance Chest


join them to the new pastime for families (disaster): works like Monopoly, only that you can choose to play the card of "mental illness" rather than in jail and stop when you have to pay anything, give in too with fake certificates and dispossessed while you spend, and spreads abroad, why not disgraced the money that you never come on! Vince who send more relatives in jail, in case of a tie, the couple who has collected more tokens "figure epic shit, try it yourself!

And for those who have not understood (only Lury), the title is in Latin Cazzaro ("macaroni" is already too much), like his:)!

Therefore, it is these days, you'll read if you are able to do so (ok, Lury: your PIRATA program originally created for the blind also allows you ...) the whole sordid event which sees the prime minister Italic in a swirl of bitches, pimps and various troione whose real purpose is none other than to be able to live in denial over aging starts.

Now, let's get back to hammering on the sad fact of how they resemble the entity percula and what, alas, our government, certainly not surprising that so much resemble, in spite of the increasingly meager claim to be left Cazzola (taciamo and those of you who goes into politics: I do not think could not even affected by candidate, but oh well). We digress

per page on morality, ethics, consistency, etc ... Too easy ...

We debated long and idly by as these attitudes are the result of senescence and life "flawed" and what we have always been ... Well, too easy, especially with vintage such evidence (from multiple sources and ) ...

We might ask well in that fucking country pianti un casino di mesi se un povero vecchino rimbambito e avulso dalla realtà ha rapporti con strappone minorenni (ma senz'altro rodate e consenzienti) che altri gli metton sotto, ma poi nessuno alza il dito se lo stesso ha rapporti con la mafia ... Troppo facile pure qui...

Potremmo dire qualcosa dei doppi binari per cui gli stessi che nei bar o dalle parrucchiere vorrebbero linciare i soliti misconosciuti solo perché accusati di rapporti con minori (a volte consenzienti, ma pur sempre illegali) oggi non lesinerebbero l'ennesimo voto dato al vecchino di cui sopra e delle ragioni (o mancanza di ragione) che spinge tutti questi droni forcaioli verso le loro preferenze elettorali... No, dai: qui si sfonda una porta già scardinata da qualche lustro...

Ecco, vorremmo qualcosa di davvero difficile...

Non so, qualcosa tipo... Ecco, ci siamo: lury che inizi ad accusare no-stop per anni l'onorevole (scusate la parola) Cicchitto (scusate pure questa)!

Perché? Beh, entrambi parlano di spostare l'età del consenso , grosso modo negli stessi termini (e, ok, uno dei due per interessi loschi, ma vi lascio indovinare chi), quindi naturale aspettarci coerenza e analogo trattamento, no?

Su, via: aspettiamoci una lury che inizia a chiamare Cicchitto pedofilo , ogni 3x2 lo identifica magari pure sissimo and turns with each blog (even those where we talk about seitan burger or Kawasaki air filter, why not?) scattered comments rightly attack on these positions, with the exact same words!

Vai, Lury piggy (little) courageous, amazingly with all of you that this undertaking will cost too much, but give us great emotions!

PS: oh, for fans of trash who complain about the lack of presence "visual" of our on these pages, we portrayed through our lawyers hired while trying to catch the bus (in full, then they will say Gossips always thinking that she wants to cheat left and right), but unfortunately seems to have abandoned the bike after two rides reinforced his daughter, accusing then ischemic hypoxia for the next few weeks here and then explained his lack of online presence, not who you thought you were fearless, is not it?!

Friday, January 21, 2011

7400csorry, Scanner Could Not Be Initialized

A radiopop 01/21/2011 culture in Verona, obelisks, banks, Glaxo and other

Just to pause, to stop the flow of news about our smelly head of government, his courtiers our own, the Veronese League that they distract from the pole and after dinner the hooded horseman monument to Garibaldi in defiance of the unification of Italy and so "The Arena" fills a full pages and can not find the space to ask instead for the Northern League Verona what they think of their companion Arcore, let's talk about 'the other.

The culture, Mimma Perbellini, says that tourism holds in Verona, in fact grows by 10% and the numbers, the digits.
Total visitors in 2010: one million and 250 thousand not counting of course the spectators of the performances Arena.

I wanted to understand a little 'better than these numbers.

While this figure we take visitors to places that traditional places where the flow of visitors (certified by the tickets sold) is due to the significance of the place itself and not to cultural events that take place there and that is the house of Juliet, Juliet's tomb, Castelvecchio, Arena as a monument, Lapidary Museum, Archaeological Museum, San Giorgeto remain (the account is easy) 80,000 distributed among the many visitors asked for a fee, the Gallery of Modern Art, the La Scala and other excavations.

words, no special event, therefore, no major initiative that has attracted its own specific flow of tourists and the rest of the assessor to understand that serving others, for example, the "health tourism" (I have spoken evil, the last time) and concludes, in her delight, that "we must not rest on our laurels." Rest on their laurels? In this regard
intervenes in the newspaper "L'Arena" of the Municipal Councillor PD Orietta Salemi
and cites examples and says things sensatissime thesis and proposals and expressed to us care for some time as they know the listeners of popular radio.

Salemi Writes: "... the commissioner Perbellini hopes the advent of a patron who could fund projects and initiatives ... but what good, santa reason a firm or a group of entrepreneurs should invest resources and energy of before a design desert? ".

He continues: "I will say: we need resources. No, we need ideas ... a common goal and the highest, that of a city which, with its wealth of historical and artistic resources of the expected return to be true protagonist of the attention and the national interest and global modernity. " And
Councillor Salemi by giving examples of other cities that have done and are doing this.
How true. I doubt that will be heard by those who should.

A confirmation of my distrust "The Arena" yesterday gave notice of a next big cultural event.
The title: "An obelisk in the middle of Melon Court."

Here is the description of the work, the work presented by the Councillor to urban excitement of the City of Verona, Pisa, and the President of the Old Town district Gelmetti: "... a monument that is a jeweler Alberto Zucchetta allegory of Verona, there will be elements related Adige, productivity and ingenuity of the Veronese and Dante Alighieri, and is based on the mathematical language of beauty on multiples of three as they used the classic artists.

And again: "It will be six blocks of an obelisk of white marble from Verona for more than three meters high, which indicates the exact center of the city Court Melon being halfway between Piazza Erbe and Piazza Bra. The obelisk will be placed on a circular base of marble carved with an eight-pointed star and 24 popular professions written in Verona and set a melon and a gourd cast in bronze. "

Melon Melon Court because the place is, the pumpkin because the author is called Zucchetta. It seems to me that not even Michelangelo put "signatures" as evident.

Court Melon is that space between Four Swords and off via Catullo and certainly needs a re-but what does the obelisk?

I extend a heartfelt prayer to the superintendent Gianna Gaudin, the director of the Museum of Castelvecchio and for some days, also director of the Gallery of Modern Art Paola Marini, and people I know and those I respect in this miserable city now do not already have all barbaric, "Stop them!".

They filled the city, its streets, its squares, its gardens, its fountains, the facades of its buildings, even the banks of the river with statues, statuettes, plaques, busts, bronze, marble, works of self-styled artists and however unlikely without a choice, without a contest, as if the city were the private property of those who, temporarily, the administration. Administer

means to manage and protect the good of the community. To get your hands on a city, a city like Verona, but in every city and historic place in this country must act with caution sum call to confront the best and perhaps better not to intervene at all.

The justification: "give us the 'works. What can I say? Actually we have administrators that we deserve or, perhaps, we are particularly unlucky?
We had the gift of a beautiful city and leave a legacy a gallery of the lowest order for would-be artists. Outstanding
the legacy of misery and returned. So tell us?
So, stop, do not be jointly responsible.

on "Verona Fedele" this morning Fasani Don gets angry with the state TV "... whose programs are all intent on teaching new generations the modern techniques of Kama Sutra", with Conrad Augias "committed ... to carve out spaces to modern Voltaire, "with" ... the guffaw of decomposed Littizzetto coprolalia long moved his head to the south of the navel. "
Apart from the language that led, in my opinion, reveals a barely concealed morbidity, not a word about, instead edifying, after dinner at Arcore. In fact
. A few months ago Fasani Don took the field in defense of Berlusconi writing: "... have it with him just because he likes women." The bill returns.

of Glaxo and banks will talk next time.

George Bragaja

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pokemon Games For Vba

Poll: Who stinks Rosik and New Years, and Rosik stinks all year round!

Ladies and gentlemen, here is an acrobatic pirate party members, visible in the photo while trying to hoist (a word at random, but it's very well read) justice, other smuggling unknown sausages in their cloakrooms, but sporciziaquotidiana was there to search until it has been made to disappear altogether criminogenic factor!

And here we are again come di consueto a riportare quanto da indiscutibili consultazioni popolari emerge a seguito di accesi dibattiti di noi, popolo di biagio (in realtà solo qualche lettore e commentatore , ma visto che la galera ad ogni giro viene promessa a più persone, noi vogliamo crederci anche e più di essa !), per cercare di indovinare quale nuova brillante linea di condotta adotterà la nostra!

Il quesito all'ultimo giro fu:  Quali i propositi della nobile attivista per l'anno appena arrivato? (più risposte possibili)

E queste le risposte:

Abolire il sapone
12 (63%)
offspring Increase / checks
13 (68%)
Having mental illness
11 (57%)
Avoid processes
16 (84%)
Far finta che sia tutto ok
  13 (68%)
Implicare meglio i figli
  12 (63%)
Infamare di più maxifasso
  12 (63%)
Menarla con unina 24/7
12 (63%)
Harass kids extra
14 (73%)
A gaggle parasitize
16 (84%)
Tow other bums
13 (68%)
Rewrite the grammar
8 (42%)
fled abroad
11 (57% )
Escape the TSO
15 (78%)
Stop smoking
1 (5%)
Stop Rosik
0 (0%)
disgraced unknown
13 (68%)
Finding a job any
0 (0%)
find an honest job
0 (0%)
Cheating new victims
16 (84%)
revenge on "enemies"
13 (68%)
Other (spammatelo around)
, 0 (0%)

As on other occasions, we go beyond the easy answers instead of winning and if we see some hope has suggested that maybe we could give up a little luridona 's unfortunate disbursement to the tobacco monopoly ( but probably not disdain even those smuggled or smugglers themselves, always and only for investigations , of \u200b\u200bcourse!), cash flow, perhaps even higher than usual parasite from state coffers, but we do not believe not even by mistake!

Surely no one, including fart, he never expected to stop on the beautiful lives Rosik altrui, men che meno, inetta e abulica barbona qual è, ha mai pensato che potesse sperare di trovare un qualche impiego.

Ed è proprio su questo che vogliamo fare il nostro prossimo sondaggio, a voi :)!

Friday, January 14, 2011

How Much Are Bionicle Worth

intervention radiopopo 14-1-11 banks hellas vr-health tourism

will talk about banks, supporters of 'Hellas-health tourism

Verona begin to talk of banks from a parking lot.
days ago all the newspapers and local television stations gave the news of the inauguration of megaparcheggio before the Fair.
Emphasis was placed not only on size of parking, 60 thousand square meters for 2600 cars, even and especially on the timing of construction on the asphalt as if it were a painting stalls technologically advanced enterprise.

He remembered well, as if by accident, that the area originally had a different target: we must rise to the financial center, the great financial center are the envy of Milan.

You know how it ended: the great minds of the banking and insurance Veronese brought their institutions to the brink of bankruptcy by sending in the smoke, so that savers' money in these days even a well-known attorney of Verona who has lost a bit 'wrote of his "L'Arena" that he had, then, la tentazione di usare la mazza da baseball e una signora, sempre sul giornale, si è chiesta perché mai i responsabili di quei disastri siano ancora in giro.

Naturalmente l'idea del polo finanziario svanì e il Comune, con generosità sospetta, accettò di riprendersi il terreno restituendo alle banche (Cariverona) una trentina di milioni di euro sotto forma di edifici storici.

Da lì cominciò il rapporto tra Tosi e banche e Fondazioni e con il riconoscente presidente Biasi.
Rapporto che ha portato la Lega, poco più di un mese fa, ad occupare posti importanti nella Fondazione Cariverona seguendo l'indicazione di Bossi “ Dobbiamo occupare le Banche del Nord”.
Però non all those places I wanted to Tosi and now the mayor returned the assault with the proposed entry of the Foundation (ie including the League) in the Banco Popular who wants to carry out a capital increase.
It can build a bias in trouble because in the process of bankruptcy and therefore need the help of the Northern League to change the Statute of the Foundation's statute that would resign even if convicted of first degree.

In this story there is a strange alliance between the Democratic Party and the League that, together, in Rome, they support a proposal for a Member of Verona PD that would allow this even if with strong contrasts in the same party and among the allies opposition.
We'll see how it will end and how far will this strange alliance.

The football team, Hellas Verona was, once again, fined and must pay € 10 000 for his fans away in Como sang for the last game of the usual racist chanting against a player of color opposing team.

Nothing new. This, now, is no longer even news.
The real news is not news but one that is the fact that while the penalty against the company Hellas-Verona have written other papers including "La Gazzetta dello Sport", complete silence on the part of "The Arena" Some of my friends
Fans (Decent) tell me that some fans (not decent) south of the curve, that of swastikas and other things, weather, sports journalists have made it known that it would be better for them not to speak ill of the team.
Man (journalist) favors the prepared. "

health tourism.

hoteliers, retailers, tourism operators have reported a decline in Verona business and are more or less, all agree in saying that at Verona, especially in winter, lack of cultural events in thickness, which are not the banal food and wine events, such as a tourism draw as well as visitors and not the usual hit and run.

And take the example (As he did repeatedly Radio Popolare) of other nearby cities such as Modena, Brescia, Mantova, Rovereto, Ferrara ....

The Department of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Verona Mimma Perbellini, stung, responded by saying that the cultural activities there are enough and then, go! What is this constant talk about culture for tourism?
It 's time to run with the times "Verona must also focus on health tourism which is particularly suited for."
I did not want to believe and I reread the article. That's right: medical tourism.

That is, if I understand correctly: because our town is fortunately equipped with good facilities health hospital for years and knows a consistent flow of patients and family members coming from a South unhappy, disorganized, with health care facilities often nothing short of the third world, arrive, desperate people, organized and efficient hospitals in Verona also called primary and cattedrattici from South, it is necessary to increase this flow "tourist" and adequate reception facilities.

course to increase this growing flow of "tourists" will be that good health is always operating in the South and the North worse even better.

See how things are going I think we're on the right track, but cultural events, if you take those cities provincialotte Ferrara, Modena, Mantova us enough .... Juliet's house, the beer festival and, of course, the new "health tourism".

Let's talk about bags.

"The Arena" warns us that in a few weeks the City will consider proposals, projects and budgets of the five participating firms to tender for the trolley.
The title of the first page in the top of the article was "trolley, it's time to open the envelopes." Envelopes? Title
unhappy or unconscious reference to another type of envelopes, the ones that often circulated and circulate in the beautiful country when it comes to tenders?
While the majority of readers of "The Arena" the first page, they read only the titles the idea that passes is just one suggested, unconsciously, by the title.

George Bragaja

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Average Medical Lawsuit Amount

Biagioleaks post-holidays!

Avete visto tutti? Questi uomini sono in una base navale, quindi sarda! E sono pronti a venire a molestare lury, i suoi parenti anche centoventenni, i suoi citofoni e le hanno nascosto le pattine antiscivolo così lei non può più dare la cera e gli assistenti sociali pensano che sia una sudicia puzzona! Ah, e tutti questi uomini sono ovviamente Maxi Fasso!

A grande requests and after great success (the same as Lury and will never have that at most when he feels he pulls out a finger from the nose with well snots three different attacks), we in the new world order masonic sardegnol-nihilist we have again to make our confidential communications that the mutant clan had with a mysterious figure!

is new to you to 5 leak criminogenic and unwise as befits true fake investigative journalism !

Exhibit # 1
Karo father Nathalie

're not past, the past is not even Justin and my christmas was shit worse than those stuck deep in water.

Happy? And, I might not, things perk kueste nun me on the right!

Now that my heart came the usual pagellone 10! Indeed, perhaps taking more of pure, religion perk hours ago average cuindi is also summa kuella, no? Nun or never understood er speech then you have to divide the sum by the number of elements cunsiderati: AO, but so ciavrei na kiavika to vote, you think?!

Instead I merely explained 'Mama that means you are looking for offers of' possibole still together, at the cost of finille anke 'mprorando de' profissori omosistuali and then pedofori type r as we did gymnastics and was looking under her skirt at all, except k me! Ò Navorta also tried to chiudemmece in spojatoio, but nothing! Even if put to cry pe 'or fear, it seemed that not even the kekkina na me brother when he lost the brass knuckles cò glitter!

ok,, is loose, which is better, go! We feel, but you see the responsibility prendetti TUs, k now what went on and draws from all around the guartieri corrimmigrati of shit, because Mummy says andacce pm trukkata poko is dressed well and nottimo way to become famous me and her, in spite of cuerri arbanesi ke are Crucible I cò yards diligence assignments our deaf!

Exhibit # 2
Ao, father-sbabbeo, n'a Gosa you know?

you just say that you've closed.

But not with me, your heart the whole world: closed, kaput, dixit!

No, look, you also say de more! Blue Oyster bar tuscolana all miamici maspettavino er with envelopes tavevo asked Ndoni and you know what? This fact na fegura demmerda that not even that time when the dancers odd screwdriver, AO!

Look, you only cunsiglio not to move + in Rome, xkè which you take so many that we can play then runs ribs in Shanghai, mainteso?! You'll also nice, big, but I do what the big sister of You + (from comignuli nun else is ever passed, needless to 8 years old when Mommy rubs his robe de Purt to nikilaudisti artrui homes), and if you if it makes enough nun beaten well I, Adrianna cuello cò bicepitoni that brings sakko calcinstruzzo of the yards and that is all bona Gaetanuccia and expensive, but CIA du saccazza cuando no nails then skins boar live there!

Exhibit # 3
Hola, Babb!

xkè not or understood, but here all cian a long face and not well-spoken well of you, it states that I have done?

Cui nun if RESPeRATE an air worse since my mother lifted the clothes out of the cassipanca!

Nun is that the broken heart and maybe the fact piacione with the shape of my brother? Nun was the first time, but I understand ke mama is no longer a flower and you apologize, but only if you let me have the reduction to Cocorico, k?

Ce account sciaooo!

Post Scrotum: Mika you were the guy who rubbed the tool mà on the mouth? Nun noffink is to say, but other than that I am Maxine mine, if it was you, Armenia will not let me co 'hair in mouth lying in the bar dell'autogrillo london-south, then that is bad is the giente think I know burst into a pole so if you take every effort, as if you were a nun and trained m'avestero selvage!

Exhibit # 4
Dear Santa,

forgive the term, but then you're just "asshole!"

there I was counting so much on your gifts! I did well, too many bear burdens senza batter ciglio o proprio facendo finta che non ci siano e invece! Se non per me, almeno per i miei fratelli che, poverini, non hanno un padre - mica colpa nostra, capita a tutti! - e mia madre... Beh, mia madre è fatta così!

Sono perfino andata a controllare se non ti fossi sbagliato e avessi portato i regali dove figuro residente, vedi mai che, buono come sei tu,  magari credevi che davvero abito a 120km da dove lavoro!

E naturalmente non trovo niente, va sempre a finire male per me!

Ora, io spererei che almeno tu non ti faccia mai più vedere, perché c'hai fatto soffrire tutti troppo, My mother has run well deluded and my brother tried to get drunk with my cleanser / makeup remover!

Whose fault is it? Well, you see a little 'you! Anyway, the unnecessary trip to Terni has cost € 63, including Val d'Aosta to the distributor, but if I were a man with his pants some things I should not tell you!

Goodbye, You let me down!
Exhibit # 5


vain hope GIFTS TO WAIT Unspoken intellectual dishonesty YOUR CASE SANTA




hit Hints: the authors' names are in the same order as the last time;)!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mira Sport Shower Cuts Out

Incendio al Castello 2011

Un bellissimo video dell'Incendio al Castello di Ferrara di Capodanno 2010-2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lip Glosses With Brush Applicators

Poll: Christmas barboneggiando

The man with the surname that ends up consonente, Albanian, therefore, clearly, had a cover of Vogue. The nice (!?) Sasso Giacometti, no! A case? Of course not, but objectively rampantism further proof of the ruthless business of a certain publishing. And now I'm sorry, but we outline Rosik also a bit 'by making allusions to the comparison of the triplets were nostradamus videoguides use the remote control for dummies and that we ourselves would understand after rereading 5 minutes ...

Here is the question holiday turned to our faithful readers: Do you think Lury as will the home? (Multiple answers possible)

And here is the public verdict

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Dispensing bigotry
15 (71%)
Dispensing hypocrisy
13 (61%)
incriminating yet
7 (33%)
9 (42%)
They stink
17 (80%)
Rosik on the gifts of others
15 (71%)
sponging gifts and dinners
16 (76%)
feel like shit
15 (71%)
Other (spammatelo around)
1 (4%)

Five top-rispostone certainly worthy of note, almost ex aequo in the head, as though we might otherwise imagine the best our tireless (I miss so much work or just pretend, right?) and multistalking luridona? He could only fail represent properly? Of course not! Here it is then that the

images sciorinare platitudes that would suggest a program of deepening Cucuzza on string theory (no, Lury: this is not a spot of Superga!), of course, better still relying on gossip and crime news from sinister voyeur trendy, it does not pay precipeterebbe immediately scrounge other meals and other gifts from anyone showing a bit wrong 'with compassion instead of the front door of the psychiatric ward (and on the side without the handle). Why, imagine, Lury you gain something truly is an oxymoron!

maybe you would not pay well to ignore what has been missing for hours and maybe others, the Rosik on the merits and successes of neighbor is better and the lead as the entirsi (candy) shit who knows.

All this, of course, reeking with unwavering fetenza !

And now on, let's all together at the next poll on the miserable existence of obvious barbonazza most unfortunate that (they) can conceive °°°/!