Ebbene sì, ci sono momenti in cui è bello sentirsi italiani: quando vince la nazionale, quando c'è da prendere in giro altri popoli per usi che non capiamo o quando c'è da invocare per noi la stessa assenza di regole di cui ci siam sempre lamentati! E quale migliore vessillifera per noi tutti, popolo dello stivale, della parassita statale più bieca, lercia e spregevole che si possa concepire? Vai, lury maialina (poco) coraggiosa! Guidaci verso il baratro, ma non con il tuo solito passo malfermo: scrocca un'auto e vai spedita, clacsonando pure a chi avanza meno deciso di te!
Gennaio, riparte l'anno, ci sono posizioni lavorative aperte un po' a tutti i livelli, ma son poche, sia per la crisi, sia per l'aver avuto per qualche lustro governanti il cui orizzonte temporale non supera le 24H.
Quale occasione migliore dunque per proporre alla nostra barbonazza d'accatto non-preferita un utile sistema per farsi due soldini e magari levare un po' lo sformato culone dallo scranno donde è solita lanciare strali un po' a cazzo (e sempre più pavidamente crazy, we see that after the last schiaffonazzate judicial doghouse bass think that if some other time then you will forget its mischief: what is an illusion!).
We in fact asked: What kind of jobs do you think now Lury would be willing to do? (Multiple answers possible)
And there you have responded as follows:
8 (42%) |
16 (84%) |
13 (68%) |
3 (15%) |
4 (21%) |
1 (5%) |
1 (5%) |
0 (0%) |
8 (42%) |
0 (0%) |
2 (10%) |
6 (31%) |
1 ( 5%) |
18 (94%) |
3 (15%) |
1 (5%) |
13 (68%) |
11 (57%) |
0 (0%) |
14 (73%) |
0 (0%) |
The message seems clear: that Lury insist on doing what it has always done and can better, or the parasite . Oh God, "better" ... We say "least worst", it should be ', at least until he dominated offspring to keep in check with ricattini and guilt and negligent health care facilities that they always leave too loose.
course, there would also be that "full time homeless " well-rated, second perhaps only because some thought it already was. We, however, for once like to point out that even if the same Lury came here to press "vote" (and we certainly do not think so, eh! If not it would be like admitting that it is so frustrated by failure and come here, I know, well as a little boy pretending to be admin or even blog anonymously recognizable) would have the courage to give assignments that require qualifications, responsibilities, and why not, mental stability, as teachers (though to be among the pubescent certainly stimulate much ), a serious journalist (seeee. ..) or traffic warden (imagine how many abuses of power are trying to do since the first day!).
No, sir: Lury has a well defined role in society, which is basically similar to that of paramecia or tapeworms in the food chain, except that she carries on with more arrogance & dirt!
And while we hope that the Italian taxpayer, sooner or later be able to eradicate pests like her, under the new poll °°°/!
PS: Picture theme, as always, we promise to return with fiQoni, but many of our players leave us, especially in private demands are very different, and now, as an input with cookies preferences we see far away, we satisfied for now to turn a bit 'all ok: D?
PPS: other cloning Lury, is just doing school o!
PPS: other cloning Lury, is just doing school o!