Stuoli di poliziottucoli pluripregiudicati e magari pure un po' tardi (come direbbe la grande amica della giustizia), cazzo perdete a fare tempo con le indagini? Le gonnelline svolazzandi di Sailor Moon son chiaro e schiacciante indizio di pedofilia, forza da arrestarli tutti , specie il ciccione con la barba che non è affatto amore-bambino, mea maternitas in wine!
continue, having received here and elsewhere other questions:)!
- Help! The crazy says that will send me to jail, I do?Nothing, if you want.
Luridona has so ill-treated prosecutors, police stations, courts, GIJoe and Avengers West Coast to have learned the hard way what is the crime of "spam to the government" who then try to reject other, as usual, instead Fan legitimate operations. At best it can be
shield their children and drag them in his mad delusions may have succeeded in depositing two papers, the fact is that since 2003 almeno promette di trascinare gente in galera anche per cose che non sono reato (tipo la pornografia o le chat hard su cui passa le giornate e che di conseguenza vede ormai ovunque).
Resta il fatto che qui saremmo tutti denunZiati da anni, minacciati di finire nelle peggiori carceri o sputtanati sui giornali, fatto sta che NESSUNO di noi ha mai ricevuto niente, chi ha smesso di percularla l'ha fatto solo per noia, mentre lei ha carriolate di scartoffie per le procedure in corso su diverse procure.
Suggeriamo comunque di non fregarsene, non è molto "civile", ma di attivarsi per fermarla, vedasi il punto sotto :).
- Sì, ma questa mi has also disgraced the network name, last name / photo / phone numbers / addresses a number / address / work place / info on friends / family about, I do?typical of her: you can not legally be harmful, but try to disgraced as he can, perhaps trusting in some prescription thanks to the laws of his lecchinatissimo pedo-premier.
Our suggestion is to ALWAYS complaint or complaint: the offenses are clear, it costs nothing and possibly with little cost you can have a well diffidina that a good percentage of cases to silence.
the remainder then goes a bit 'much depends on a whim or because it was incarognita with you, but usually a good half of those who moved through the courts gave her a couple of blows such that the timid old woman no longer dares to appoint and just do fumosissime allusions (see the delusions spotted on sites, escort Bari crested or lawyers, so just to name a few).
complaint, we repeat, does not guarantee anything and might as well do it furious, the fact is that you have done your duty as to sign a virtual petition for your TSO: espostino in a non-attorney will shake a lot, but since now it was filthy on the head a few dozen, let's see how still manages to pray His saints in heaven:)!
- Maaaaaaaaaaa 'is barbona non ce l'ha una vita? Cioè una vera vita?No.
O per meglio dire: ce l'avrebbe, ma la rifiuta in toto, fuggendo nelle fantasie in cui è una persona di successo, ammirata, ma anche un po' odiata per il suo attivismo.
Postare alle ore piccole spacciandosi per ragazzino, passare le giornate a far telefonate minatorie o sputtanatorie o non arrivare nemmeno a rendersi presentabile sono chiari segni che la prima ad odiare luridona mutanti sia però ella stessa...
- Non provate pena per lei ?Per quanto sia una persona petty, mean and petty, yes, at least sometimes. But even feel sorry for her, the best thing to do is definitely keep her. She herself often seems to behave as if it were self-injurious stove track on which it is channeled pathologically. SIMILARLY understand the tragedy of her as a mother, but we can not overlook the fact that to get rid of the ball is furthering his fantasies and soggettino is well aware of that, it is in a position to harm us again and again.
- Excuse me, can you list all the crimes that this prejudice has made free ?Beh, qualche truffetta in passato l'ha portata alla sbarra e ci risulta abbia già la fedina penale bella sporca, cmq vediamo come possiamo rendere in quest'impresa epica: millantato credito (laureata, dottoressa, professoressa o il suo preferito: "giornalistaaah!!"; non sappiamo se spacciarsi per pubblico ufficiale sia reato a parte, mh), diffamazione a mezzo stampa, violazione della legge sulla privacy, calunnia, accesso abusivo ad un sistema informatico o telematico (vedasi qui ), ricatti vari (tipo esplicitamente minacciare di includere nei pedofili chi non la spalleggiava), procurato allarme (o "spam alle procure", come ama chiamarlo quando lo ravvisa nel prossimo), truffa, violazione della copyright law (who remembers his home page with cracked software?), extortion, perjury and grand finale that loves to dismiss all, stalking (or more precisely "persecution" in CP)!
certainly miss it in spades, tell me:)!
- But how do you know of his criminal situation?do not know the record straight with regard to fact, but his (missing or failose) denied on some points are already good confirmation. Beyond then some hope left in the Italian justice, then not find it hard to believe that some luster of his escapades sooner or later its scope to pay a dear account.
For offenses for which it is denounced, well ... We are sure that you have provided us the cards to the proper authorities, without too much fanfare and without menarla then conclude nothing, followed then need to integrate, we do not stop for sure and there is idem do our companions in misfortune and slander.
- And it is shiny, in some measure, or pluck the insanity?This certainly is not and will not stand for us to say.Stay the fact that we knowingly defamatory content more organized now on blogspot, saying the threat of slander those who do not assist in constantly invents and ravings of whose falsehood is aware, at least to some extent. Then being a slave to his compulsions is another matter, ok ...
- But if it comes TSO, there is no risk that his whole shit remains online forever?In part yes, but with such a ruling will then be easier to just knock on doors and ask for removal.
Last but not least, selflessly, impediremo che infami nuova gente oltre che nuovamente la solita :)!
- Prima di internet che avrà combinato questa qua?Truffette, calunnie e altre bravate sicuramente, ma dallo scranno da cui non la si può vedere (od odorare :S) ha iniziato a far la davvero grossa; dopo le prime batoste giudiziarie ha cucciato giù qualche anno, ma ora pare volerne altra dose...
- Quindi se anche ora la ricondannano, va quieta 2-3 anni e riparte?No, stiamo lavorando so that it is stopped for ever: it is not a death threat, only hope to be locked (otherwise we do not think there is to contain it), away from the internet and exhaustively treated, hopefully to be followed by specialists well as children, or in 20 years we are with 4 luridoni triggered off in geometric progression and \u0026lt;_\u0026lt;;.
have questions? Lasciatecele in the comments and we'll respond to you:)!
Edit: mention with pleasure the new success and the new positive exposure of "our" (we can say it: blush:?) Lidia, another shamefully insulted by Lury:)!
Edit: mention with pleasure the new success and the new positive exposure of "our" (we can say it: blush:?) Lidia, another shamefully insulted by Lury:)!