Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dongle Hasp4 Emulator

mail Biagio III

Stuoli di poliziottucoli pluripregiudicati e magari pure un po' tardi (come direbbe la grande amica della giustizia), cazzo perdete a fare tempo con le indagini? Le gonnelline svolazzandi di Sailor Moon son chiaro e schiacciante indizio di pedofilia, forza da arrestarli tutti , specie il ciccione con la barba che non è affatto amore-bambino, mea maternitas in wine!

continue, having received here and elsewhere other questions:)!
  1. Help! The crazy says that will send me to jail, I do?
    Nothing, if you want.
    Luridona has so ill-treated prosecutors, police stations, courts, GIJoe and Avengers West Coast to have learned the hard way what is the crime of "spam to the government" who then try to reject other, as usual, instead Fan legitimate operations. At best it can be
    shield their children and drag them in his mad delusions may have succeeded in depositing two papers, the fact is that since 2003 almeno promette di trascinare gente in galera anche per cose che non sono reato (tipo la pornografia o le chat hard su cui passa le giornate e che di conseguenza vede ormai ovunque).
    Resta il fatto che qui saremmo tutti denunZiati da anni, minacciati di finire nelle peggiori carceri o sputtanati sui giornali, fatto sta che NESSUNO di noi ha mai ricevuto niente, chi ha smesso di percularla l'ha fatto solo per noia, mentre lei ha carriolate di scartoffie per le procedure in corso su diverse procure.
    Suggeriamo comunque di non fregarsene, non è molto "civile", ma di attivarsi per fermarla, vedasi il punto sotto :).

  2. Sì, ma questa mi has also disgraced the network name, last name / photo / phone numbers / addresses a number / address / work place / info on friends / family about, I do?
    typical of her: you can not legally be harmful, but try to disgraced as he can, perhaps trusting in some prescription thanks to the laws of his lecchinatissimo pedo-premier.
    Our suggestion is to ALWAYS complaint or complaint: the offenses are clear, it costs nothing and possibly with little cost you can have a well diffidina that a good percentage of cases to silence.
    the remainder then goes a bit 'much depends on a whim or because it was incarognita with you, but usually a good half of those who moved through the courts gave her a couple of blows such that the timid old woman no longer dares to appoint and just do fumosissime allusions (see the delusions spotted on sites, escort Bari crested or lawyers, so just to name a few).
    complaint, we repeat, does not guarantee anything and might as well do it furious, the fact is that you have done your duty as to sign a virtual petition for your TSO: espostino in a non-attorney will shake a lot, but since now it was filthy on the head a few dozen, let's see how still manages to pray His saints in heaven:)!

  3. Maaaaaaaaaaa 'is barbona non ce l'ha una vita? Cioè una vera vita?
    O per meglio dire: ce l'avrebbe, ma la rifiuta in toto, fuggendo nelle fantasie in cui è una persona di successo, ammirata, ma anche un po' odiata per il suo attivismo.
    Postare alle ore piccole spacciandosi per ragazzino, passare le giornate a far telefonate minatorie o sputtanatorie o non arrivare nemmeno a rendersi presentabile sono chiari segni che la prima ad odiare luridona mutanti sia però ella stessa...

  4. Non provate pena per lei ?
    Per quanto sia una persona petty, mean and petty, yes, at least sometimes. But even feel sorry for her, the best thing to do is definitely keep her. She herself often seems to behave as if it were self-injurious stove track on which it is channeled pathologically. SIMILARLY understand the tragedy of her as a mother, but we can not overlook the fact that to get rid of the ball is furthering his fantasies and soggettino is well aware of that, it is in a position to harm us again and again.

  5. Excuse me, can you list all the crimes that this prejudice has made free ?
    Beh, qualche truffetta in passato l'ha portata alla sbarra e ci risulta abbia già la fedina penale bella sporca, cmq vediamo come possiamo rendere in quest'impresa epica: millantato credito (laureata, dottoressa, professoressa o il suo preferito: "giornalistaaah!!"; non sappiamo se spacciarsi per pubblico ufficiale sia reato a parte, mh), diffamazione a mezzo stampa, violazione della legge sulla privacy, calunnia, accesso abusivo ad un sistema informatico o telematico (vedasi qui ), ricatti vari (tipo esplicitamente minacciare di includere nei pedofili chi non la spalleggiava), procurato allarme (o "spam alle procure", come ama chiamarlo quando lo ravvisa nel prossimo), truffa, violazione della copyright law (who remembers his home page with cracked software?), extortion, perjury and grand finale that loves to dismiss all, stalking (or more precisely "persecution" in CP)!
    certainly miss it in spades, tell me:)!

  6. But how do you know of his criminal situation?
    do not know the record straight with regard to fact, but his (missing or failose) denied on some points are already good confirmation. Beyond then some hope left in the Italian justice, then not find it hard to believe that some luster of his escapades sooner or later its scope to pay a dear account.
    For offenses for which it is denounced, well ... We are sure that you have provided us the cards to the proper authorities, without too much fanfare and without menarla then conclude nothing, followed then need to integrate, we do not stop for sure and there is idem do our companions in misfortune and slander.

  7. And it is shiny, in some measure, or pluck the insanity?
    This certainly is not and will not stand for us to say.
    Stay the fact that we knowingly defamatory content more organized now on blogspot, saying the threat of slander those who do not assist in constantly invents and ravings of whose falsehood is aware, at least to some extent. Then being a slave to his compulsions is another matter, ok ...

  8. But if it comes TSO, there is no risk that his whole shit remains online forever?
    In part yes, but with such a ruling will then be easier to just knock on doors and ask for removal.
    Last but not least, selflessly, impediremo che infami nuova gente oltre che nuovamente la solita :)!

  9. Prima di internet che avrà combinato questa qua?
    Truffette, calunnie e altre bravate sicuramente, ma dallo scranno da cui non la si può vedere (od odorare :S) ha iniziato a far la davvero grossa; dopo le prime batoste giudiziarie ha cucciato giù qualche anno, ma ora pare volerne altra dose...

  10. Quindi se anche ora la ricondannano, va quieta 2-3 anni e riparte?
    No, stiamo lavorando so that it is stopped for ever: it is not a death threat, only hope to be locked (otherwise we do not think there is to contain it), away from the internet and exhaustively treated, hopefully to be followed by specialists well as children, or in 20 years we are with 4 luridoni triggered off in geometric progression and \u0026lt;_\u0026lt;;.
have questions? Lasciatecele in the comments and we'll respond to you:)!

Edit: mention with pleasure the new success and the new positive exposure of "our" (we can say it: blush:?) Lidia, another shamefully insulted by Lury:)!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ambulance Ride Cost Canada

intervento a radiopop 26-11-2010

Due sentenze della Corte di Appello di Venezia e altre cose.

La prima sentenza:

La Corte di Appello di Venezia ha praticamente stravolto il giudizio emesso dalla Corte di Assise di Verona per i cinque imputati per la morte di Nicola Tommasoli.
Dieci anni e quattro mesi per Veneri e Perini, già condannati a quattordici anni. Due assolti, Dalle Donne e Corsi, prima condannati rispettivamente a dodici e dieci anni.

L' “Assemblea cittadina 17 maggio” rileva come “permanga irrisolto il nodo fondamentale di questa vicenda nodo che la città ha eluso e cioè che la vita di questi ragazzi imputati è intimamente connected with the ideas of the extreme right, who cultivates the practice and aggression, if not violence, as its identity component.

wanted to prevent the memory of the murder of Nicola Tommasoli was canceled, wanted to prevent the consolidation of this silence, seemingly apolitical but, in fact, highly political because it seeks to defend a certain type of culture as well as the strategy of power that govern this city ..... also the recent decision by the massacre of Piazza della Loggia in Brescia (no fault) puts us in the face of a cruel show: in this country, the inability to formulate sentences turns, surely, in a civil work of miseducation. " How true.

The second sentence.

For the aggression out of the bar of square Viviani Post of January 4, 2009 when a group of extreme right-wing hurt a girl who complained about their racist chanting, the Court of Appeal of Venice has upheld the conviction of first degree with three years and eight months for Claudio Pellegrini and two years and two months for Andrea Iacona. If the quarry is completely

Luca Cugola instead (which at first instance had already been acquitted but doubtful, however, with formula), for "procedural dismissal" only to a procedural defect so much so that the presiding judge decided it should emphasize and the fact that that the acquittal was due mainly to the skill of the defenders who had taken the procedural error rather than to the court on the events and actual proven Cugola strangeness of the fact that his innocence.

I think I summed up with sufficient accuracy the outcome of two processes and proceedings, of course, entirely uncontroversial, expressed by the 'town meeting of May 17. "

Now my own account: they had the upper hand, those among the defendants (and their families) who had the foresight, who knew, and could, choose the best defenders (and more expensive) and more presentable, politically, In either process.

defenders in the process of bar Post have been able to find footholds in the procedural and Tommasoli managed to pass the thesis, and incredibly imaginative, that the attackers would have been there by chance, that group did not (and therefore no aggravating) also if the first few minutes, all together, they had attacked another guy just because he looks and clothing that they did not like.

not want to talk about "results" legal "class" but of "wealth" is. Considering the 'social housing of some of the defendants and using the dialect, which in this case it performs well, it can be concluded as follows: el fiol of Becar and Fiol de el osto the inside of fiol el dotor fora.
Some may say that these are the mechanisms of justice.

's right, the mechanisms, not justice.

incisive statement of the chief prosecutor of Verona Schinaia Julius: "But Tommasoli did not die alone." I mean, did not commit suicide.

another topic.

Mayor Tosi had seen fit to remove the benches from the small riverside gardens Matteotti because sometimes they would meet some non-waiting to eat a hot meal to the table of the nearby St. Vincent.
Valpiana then Mao had bought a bench and put her where they had been removed one of the town.

Dopo poche ore, su ordine di Tosi, solerti agenti l'avevano divelta, portata via e multato Valpiana per occupazione abusiva di suolo pubblico.
Valpiana ha fatto ricorso e l'ha vinto e non pagherà nessuna multa ma il giardino continua ad essere senza panchine e desolatamente vuoto. Non c'è mai nessuno.

Mentre saranno piene, stracolme, le più belle piazze della città, piene di baracche e baracchine, castelli di cartone, più alti della Loggia di fra Giocondo, pacchi di carta igienica gonfiabili più alti del monumento a Vittorio Emanuele in piazza Bra, alberi di Natale giganteschi dedicati al pandoro in piazza Erbe....

Chissà qualche volta potremo vedere questa città, le sue squares occupied by stalls selling books, with young people who listen to the verses of a poet or a philosopher's reasoning?
E 'asking too much?
Yet these things happen every year in the city a few kilometers from the assessors' desks Courses and Perbellini, Mantua, Ferrara, Modena ....
Since we do not. Last


I read about "The Arena" that:
tomorrow, Saturday, 12 am to FNAC Via Cappello, Ferruccio Pinotti will present his new book "The lobby of God" book is certainly interesting and documented as the previous Opus Dei , on the banks ....

Many sincere wishes to Pinotti for a deserved success of his book, however, But .... some curious news should ask the author of his first book "The Wages of Faith", who died within hours of the libraries and never tornatovi and that cost him quite a few setbacks ....

who want to know more can search on my blog posting to Radio Popolare Verona on June 23, 2009

George Bragaja

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wording For Lottery Syndicate

Poll: lury oltre la semantica del coraggio

Although our organizations have been deprived of sex criminals are no servers 19, there are always more powerful as that of the even more powerful UniPi or unique, to buy what the kids of all high schools on the island have not had a snack for two days, thanks all'inaudita computing power combined together, We were able to create the ideal man for Lury: if they look at the veiled reference to aesthetics Vulgar barbonazzo Gospels with Jesus, but also with so much love-child pacifier, kind (you can tell by the pink) and especially groped " the extreme defensive in the faeces of the diaper, "new morbid fetish della mutanti!

Sempre criptica nel distillare a noi poveri peones dotte e ricercate locuzioni, luridona fatica a farsi comprendere (ma sicuramente per ignoranza nostra, eh, mica perché cerca disperatamente parole auliche e ci costruisce frasi a cazzo attorno ), per cui a volte dobbiamo aiutarci l'un l'altro per intenderla.

Ecco dunque il quesito di queste due settimane passate:  Già nota in metà del suo salotto come e artista di sculture in muco e mozziconi, nonché personalità sudicia, con l'ardita locuzione "madre coraggio" lury forse intendeva (più risposte possibili)...

E le seguenti deduzioni:

What courage, me mother
15 (65%)
Mother in shambles
12 (52%)
Mother of shit
18 (78%)
Mother parasite
20 (86%)
Mother beetle
15 (65%)
Mother shame
20 (86%)
I pissed
15 (65%)
Other (spammatelo around)
0 (0%)

a tie that also hides a long head to head le due opzioni vincitrici, anche se l'alto tasso di approvazione e il fatto che nessuna risposta sia sotto il 50% ci lasciano senz'altro carpire i molti livelli di significati che si nascondono dietro un così banale, abusato, insulso e offensivamente fuori luogo significante quale "madre coraggio", specie considerando che per seguire le sue paranoie persecutorie lury trascura ancora i figli . Ma forse questo per loro è solo un bene.

Non stupisce comunque la vittoria, dal momento che le due soluzioni vanno complessivamente a braccetto ed è facile capire come una madre parassita sia, alla fine della fiera (delle sue pulci), anche e soprattutto una madre vergogna che i figli preferiscono ignorare, così come faremmo volentieri pure noi se proprio detta figliolanza per levarsela un po' dai coglioni non la lasciasse a briglia sciolta e libera di far danni sul web , a dispetto di diverse sentenze a loro sicuramente note che la inquadrano già come soggetto pericoloso e mentalmente malato .

Ma vabbè, confidiamo che ci saranno pure loro in tribunale a spiegar diverse cosine, per cui passiamo pure al prossimo sondaggio°°°/!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good Zune Fm Transmitter

Festa del Regalo 2010

begins today, Saturday, November 20, 2010, the stalls of the ever-awaited Day Gift of Ferrara, which takes place every year at Christmas time, in Piazza Trento e Trieste .
The market offers rich detail and stands of various types, including: gifts, decorations, books, crafts, candles, regional wine and food sectors, confectionery, typical products, hats, gadgets and much more. An unmissable event, you'll like it very much, Piazza Trento Trieste because it's really beautiful and at Christmas, with colored lights around the shops, even more so.

The nearby city square hosts other stalls, usually books and candy (or activities).

This year the Christmas market Ferrara will be open until January 9, 2011.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kidney Stonefeels Stuck In Urethra

intervention on 11/19/2010 radiopop flood of requests, Arsenal and other

At first they were ten, then eighteen, have now become thirty-six.
It 's the number of municipalities in the province of Verona, whose mayors have applied to participate in the sharing of state money that will come (If you arrive and when they arrive) for damages caused by the flood in the Veneto.

Removed the town of Monteforte, Soave, Verona and a few other Eastern Lessinia everyone else, right up to thirty-six, are common in the territory of which the rain did not result in anything different from what is expected , and arrives, when it rains. However
anything that could be called "disaster", with the most generous good will.

The phenomenon of diffusion of claims for damage by flood, the province of Verona is spreading throughout the Veneto, Veneto sober, industrious, quiet, not complaining but it does work, who does not take advantage, that does not speculate, which rolls up his sleeves as opposed to others, "and we know who."

Some mayors of the towns of Verona, really affected by natural disasters, have already started talking about looting.
Strong words but do not overdo it.

The money is still in doubt because in the order, signed by Berlusconi in these days, it seems there is nothing about the stability pact that is the law which binds the budgets of municipalities and also nothing with regard to tax relief requested.

In practice, Monteforte Soave and other municipalities really went under water and dramatically, or landslides, they do not know if they can spend money outside and most of those bound dalle previsioni dei loro striminziti bilanci normali.
Il fatto è che questi Comuni i soldi, in più e fuori dal bilancio, li hanno già spesi e li stanno spendendo per aiutare chi ha perso tutto e non può aspettare. E i sindaci dei paesi veramente disastrati perciò sono giustamente infuriati.

I soldi che verranno saranno comunque pochi e diverranno ancor meno per chi veramente ne ha bisogno, per chi ha avuto la casa sommersa, la fabbrica devastata, perché, come si sa, le fette di una torta diventano sempre più piccole mano a mano che aumentano i commensali. E ora i commensali in attesa, solo nel veronese, sono trentasei anziché dieci o quindici e, ma guarda! i commensali infiltratisi “a sbafo” the overwhelming majority have the green handkerchief protruding from his pocket or a pretty green scarf around his neck.

League's Vice-President of the Province of Treviso, this Muraro, when he learned that three Serbs were arrested while they were robbing the homes of flood victims said: "I'm shooting for."
Even for his fellow mayors jackals?

Meanwhile, the Judiciary has started proceedings for culpable disaster. On some because of the flood you see on my blog, or on the website of Radio Popolare, the intervention of November 5.

another topic.
The latest proposal for the Arsenal have thought the 'Benetti councilor and the councilor of God
The first said let's get a bit 'of kindergartens and nursery schools, possibly Catholic. The second
said let's make apartments and shops.
One finds it hard to believe it, and rather think that the newspapers did not say the right but then is informed and understands that this is so: those are the latest proposals. But no wonder.

Now I will not repeat for the hundredth time the story of our beautiful Arsenal but it is good to bring something to the memory
The Arsenal is an imposing structure on the model of his brother in Vienna (Vienna with regard to the elections a few days ago has maintained his administration left now become red-green).
Discontinued by the military, had filed for Verona a unique opportunity, great: the ability to design large, to build the city's cultural face.

There was thought to be the Museum of Natural History with an adjoining a beautiful botanical garden (there's at Padua, Modena's on ...) and the completion of the Museum of Castelvecchio and necessary with the simultaneous acquisition of the Officers' Club still, unnecessarily, occupies the entire front end of the castle overlooking the Adige including the wonderful terrace overlooking the river

This fifteen years ago.
Then I started to raise the intelligence of the various advisors and directors of the center right.
One finds it hard to believe but some suggested a big brewery Tyrolean who is a big amusement park, the city of those games, who the magazine for the Ente Lirico, who works for the museum of costumes Arena amphitheater, who the police station .... and now, they do not, apartments and shops.
Meanwhile, all is in ruins.

The manifest inability of our administrators to understand, to realize that you are having, what we have inherited the beauty, culture, and what we could get it for us and for those who will, in the end makes them invulnerable. How do you argue with them? Turn out to be unassailable because there are common issues between us and them. Nor does the language. Different languages \u200b\u200band alphabets, incommunicable.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Make Fiador Knot

La posta di Biagio II

"Ruggero Lumbroso, il bel e aitante amico di bisboccia di Sasso Giacometti, spiega con garbo e classe a due turiste svedesi e quindi sluts are made as of the bronzes there Ace, focusing in particular on how the shape of their buttocks, denoting that they were men of class and not very accustomed to working in the fields "- Album luridona mutants, summer 1994.

Viewed the success of last year, we collect (including soap, etc.) and repeat:)!
  1. Let me explain the history of death threats?
    Not much to say in full crisis and delusions attwhoring, between our hunger strike and the other decides that a video percula the threat of death, in spite of contradictory evidence to . From there
    an unraveling of other percula that the "lady" in search of easy mercy was always trying to assign other values, also writing in clear bad faith inverted commas alleged "death threats" like she is threatened with death dozens of times since then, posting with his ridiculous nickname to pretend intellectual or even more often laughable anonymity.
    restructured your site, we decided to summon percula any comment, but in no way implies that we want to kill, beat up or otherwise (including the popular violence that many women fantasies wet the cause), as well as those who post on this blog is not really a supporter of Mastella, look bit '!

  2. But with all the shit that shoot, because it is still on the loose ?
    do not know if those who have saved the ass or if this really be the plight of Justice of Italy, but expect moderately confident.

  3. But this is always out of jail, there must be some truth in what he says, no ?
    speculative applications with almost similar to the previous answer: no. Complaining to the times Italian justice for all, however, the criminal already has a lot do not seem to dampen it.

  4. Ma .. And the server Unina?
    long history, and if you do not feel well jump to the next step.
    In summary: Lury furious at being banned from YumeShima case exceeded all bounds of decency, fairness and education (to the sluts for months to all users, as if it rained racist insults, threats, spam and whining only name a few). Then back on other shores, pretending to be included again girl (Trish) on a provocative and buttonholer meetup attended by his love-gift.
    does not pay, he begins to follow the community well in YS irc channel on their age on the network, held on the same channel well as a clone of our channel and a channel that was a reference to his famous pornoblog (with photos of ' love-gift and then try to pass off as created by dunadicacca , after hastily pulled down the flare-up of the event
    fact is that our end-p-Lury also banned from our chan, superadmin cries in vain from the network and, over time, gets to pretend to have ministerial employee data access and connection of some of his "victims" in order to make her think better and extortionists investigated by police and its informers confidants. Already here
    network administrators should intervene and denounce NOW Mrs., guilty of a crime not to laugh, they did, they did not (we know, at least not as a network; privately for personal insults is hoped to yes), never will, despite farcical and sudden shoot denials follow. The story still continues
    sprawling and partial homonymy between a user and one of our chan # sessochannel our champion of morality off on a tangent (remember, always convinced that the time 1) to pornography is a crime and 2) that being in chat where we talk about sex * is * the same thing).
    It follows months of complaints and delusions broken down, with the only evidence of improbable as inevitable trade pornographic material provided by the screen of a trekker in which Chan was number ONE (1) bot that offered a few episodes of the historical saga with William "Big Belly" Shatner. The administration of is always the pants will fall (details to be Maxi , read the comments above) in front of delirious accusations Lury, for alleged quiet life, declassified who first allowed the leak of information and data private users, then the famous Neapolitan servers that perform tasks not illegal.
    Lury, knocking on every door possible, managed to get published on two heads smaller: a severed relations with her when our you invented a letter of support of the director about his latest paranoid bullshit, the other giornalucolo of free press in the local edition found it easy to hold on a person who literally said that "when there is news, it is the duty of the journalist before Expand "considerable misgivings unethical, but more logically, he will not have any relationship with the mutants and, in a private home, admit the chapel.
    Still it should be noted that all this has been caused or amplified dall'inettitudine certainly a thousand times and the duplicity of staff that 1) kept saying that they are not paid, then they have no liability (false, visto che pure io ho fatto per anni il volontario e ancora lo faccio occasionalmente con l'AVIS: prova a dire che hai dato via dati degli utenti e si ride); 2) che han tenuto una linea di rigore (falso: han patteggiato di nascosto con una psicopatica, per tenerla sul network e tacere il suo millantato credito come agente ministeriale in cambio della sparizione delle accuse; lury ovviamente ha preso la palla al balzo e li ha subito sputtanati in piazza prendendola come conferma dei suoi deliri); 3) non han soldi per fare una denunZia o altro (falso: è gratuito farle e al limite bastava fare esposto per i reati noti, anche come associazione non riconosciuta, per tutelare gli utenti). Ancora da maxi qualche reperto .

  5. Sorry, I read his latest ravings and I just can not understand what he's
    -Alt! Our
    raves constantly playing to be a journalist, commentator or otherwise educated person: use courtly terms, obsolete or even anglophone in a completely free and sprecisa, therefore not permitted to find meaning in what sense did not talk.
    would concern the opposite: boh: ...

  6. But since 2003 may not be over yet arrested or hospitalized?
    To tell the truth has already taken several blows before, always for his tendency to invent lies, slander, blackmail and try to fool as he can.
    A case with the site that dare not name is always in progress, even if you materially misrepresent every few to have won everything and having "done his ass" (sic) to a real journalist, blogger and public figure which would have saddled do not know how many criminal associations over the years, all strictly conspiracies of the powerful against the dangerous (especially upwind) Lury. A
    certainly lost, so much so that medical treatment was prescribed to which ceased to appear, decided a little 'alone (and a bit' with the eldest that he washed his hands as usual) to be healed.

  7. Ma .. You lose a case (for mental illness?) And make you care, you stop it and nobody says anything?!
    Apparently yes to both: mental illness and neglect in any judicial machinery and medical gear, so we are always thinking Lury between the balls to dodge the TSO making more fuss as possible.

  8. Excuse me, but then you can do?
    certainly do not say "expect the steps and they pick someone else as it did person I know that after a warning if they have washed their hands, on the other implicitly throwing shit on the next. Far
    know as much as possible cyberteppista certainly helps, as well as patiently and relentlessly denounce every single crime committed until he learns to give a rule, as Lury is soft does not give more bone, but if hard to find anywhere, and from it would also rule on hold to finish inside the cell that it deserves.

  9. biagio why there?
    In part: Percula project started as a mo 'flash mob, it has evolved and is become what it is today:)!
    We like to think also to compensate for various molested at least in part with a few laughs, but mostly we want to remove the sick and rotten fart the idea of \u200b\u200bpower that has: luridona mutants are not afraid, said the dune, and it's true!
    Lury has long cyberbulleggiato we, threatening several people with complaints, rubbish in the newspapers and other shit, back when we did not know that failure trembling and totally inane (runway here on google, eh, fart?) Was. Today we play the worse succeed, tomorrow maybe even worse, eliminating what little credibility you may have.
    And so far from the truth we should not be, given how often the toxic-smelling ricorre al vigliacco (e sgamabilissimo) anonimato per fare minacce o ricattini.

  10. Ma vi pare il caso perderci così tanto tempo?
    A dispetto di quanto si scriva, le entry settimanali di biagio si scrivono da sole e prendono pochi minuti; commentare e scambiare pareri con altri è un piacere, nonostante o forse anche grazie alla ridicolaggie della cyberteppista (anonima o no), si fa nei ritagli di tempo.
    Nessuno di noi senz'altro ruba attenzioni o energie ad affetti, lavoro o famiglia :)!
Avete altre domande? Lasciatecele nei commenti e vedremo di answer to you:)!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Trane Cleaneffects Price

Speech popular radio on 11/12/2010 DIY, Councillor Smith and more.

With the flood waters in Veneto, in these days, was also submerged by the mud from an unbearable racism overflowed from the statements of politicians, newspaper reports and television and even the bars of the famous Olga Silvino Gonzato on "L ' Arena. "

the "rubble of Pompeii," the governor of the Veneto sempreunto Zaia, as opposed to flooded homes in the Veneto, the pain of the Veneto decent as opposed to the screaming of vulgar and south, the "DIY", the activity of the Veronese, the Vicenza, the Padua, in contrast to the indolence of the Neapolitans and Sicilians supplicant.

What I have to say that I was to say, the disastrous flood and on the "DIY" our, all the Venetian, the hydrogeological homemade, I've always said here last week by Radio Popolare earning Together, insults and praise and for those interested, the transcript of that address can be found on the "blog of George Bragaja" or on the website of Radio Popolare.

I want to talk now of another city councilor John Smith unjustly relegated side tragicomic from newspapers and television stations but did not, in my opinion, a less caricaturist, più serio.

Riepiloghiamo: un mese fa, circa, Mario Rossi esponente di primo piano dell' UDC veronese, consigliere comunale e consigliere provinciale, viene nominato assessore al Comune di Verona e, come impone la legge sugli Enti Locali, si dimette sia da consigliere comunale che da consigliere provinciale.

La settimana scorsa, intervenendo in un convegno del suo partito, Rossi punta il dito sugli emolumenti troppo alti dei dirigenti comunali e degli amministratori delle aziende pubbliche e, dato che c'è, afferma che il capo ufficio stampa del sindaco, Roberto Bolis, esorbiterebbe dalle sue funzioni, sarebbe fin troppo bravo tanto che, in pratica, sarebbe lui il vero sindaco di Verona.

E' vero, una cosa così uno la può anche pensare ma, se è assessore della giunta Tosi, farebbe meglio a tenersela per se.
Tosi si infuria e lo caccia dalla Giunta.

Rossi si scusa ma Tosi conferma la defenestrazione e Rossi resta, come si usa dire, “in braghe di tela” perché, ora, non è più assessore, non è più consigliere comunale non è più consigliere provinciale.
Peggio di così non poteva andargli e i media lo prendono un po' in giro.

Io la vedo diversamente e mi spiego.

Parto da una constatazione: la reazione di Tosi è stata esagerata. In fondo Rossi non ha espresso quel giudizio in Consiglio Comunale ma in una riunione del suo partito, apologized, other councilors had on other occasions, criticized Tosi without being hunted .....

But those other criticisms of the other councilors, the mayor's case, individual acts do not adhere to its credibility as a mayor, but because of it, Tosi had shown the unreliability of the criticism of Rossi if he had considered a joke or little more and, as such, downgraded.
But the reaction, exaggeration, has given weight to the criticism and showed that Jones had touched a sensitive button, a nerve.

Many are in cities, especially in the sphere of information, and not only to believe that, actually, a spokesman for the mayor, Bolis, sia uno che vuole comandare e che “comanda”.
Del resto la sua formazione, nella politica attiva, oltre che nella professione, è più antica e di più sostanza di quella di Tosi e la caratteristica preminente dell'amministrazione Tosi non è la continua esternazione mediatica? Proprio il terreno di Bolis?
E cioè l'esposizione martellante del nulla di fatto, del dichiarato, dell'appariscente, del rappresentato, del di là da venire, dell'apparso e subito scomparso.

Pensiamo alle ronde leghiste presentate con grande clamore due anni fa in piazza Erbe e scomparse nelle nebbie della periferia tra lo scherno generale, alle ordinanze e ai divieti anti merendine, al tunnel e alla tranvia sommersi from the cards, a world capital of Verona this and that, under bolsa strapaesane festivals in ancient squares of all the smoke of continuous appearances on television, increasingly repetitive and boring and statements like the four "stones" of San Zeno and riverside Capulet.

short, a policy almost exclusively on the media to fill the void of accomplishments is not made, the politics, that is, built largely by his spokesman.

Poor Councilor Rossi had hit the target.
In a sense he was shown the king the king naked and chased him.

George Bragaja

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pain In Lower Lumbar Radiating Through Groin

Sondaggio: porno(&)luridona?

"Mom, mom ... there is nothing in the fridge, it's ok if I eat the charcoal for lunch?" "Mh, yeah, mh ... Oh, sorry, as you say honey? Yes, yes, do you snack with swivel as you said, by now ... sorry, but mommy is indagandoooohhh, Siiiii!" - Interception of environmental home mutants, all files from the internet point Albanians.

In many works of fiction is shown as a detective, prison guards, judges, special agents and even cirlidé remain corrupted by attend an unhealthy environment, whatever their intentions (or " aspirations, perhaps more correct lemma with the last category).

We wonder, therefore, as the caste Lury has really been marked by years of painful, agonizing and, why not totally fruitless investigations, despite his constant ravings about global conspiracies, shady deals and precarious that the school may not have work because there are parasites like you who require hundreds of euro of state charity per month without lifting a finger .

No, let's say to say.

Here is the question: The fact that Lury, his sponte, declare not to watch pornography because it is Catholic, it makes you think that now ...

canonical So after two weeks, the Solomon Islands (salmon or , maybe she would say) the verdict of the people of biagio:

Pig is a hypocrite
17 (89%)
Meanwhile disgraced all
7 (36%)
There is consumption per night!
17 (89%)
I have seen someone
0 (0%)
has seen only rarely
0 (0%)
He does it only for surveys!
4 (21%)
He has never seen one!
0 (0%)
Can not miss that
0 (0%)
is a paragon of virtue!
0 (0%)
Other (spammatelo around)
0 (0%)

What about: high-quality ex aequo (Lury read that as a threat of death from horse heads, horse heads, a typical warning Mafia!) that highlights how well we can be "left Cazzoli à la mutants, and of course his pornazzi contextualized (cited fisichelliana) as surveys collect however, a number of votes equal to the chance that poor people gave birth. Coincidentally, eh.

And now on, all to vote prossimo sondaggio e magari lavarci la coscienza dagli ultimi pornazzi andando a fare i bacchettoni non sollecitati con perfetti estranei°°°/!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Drambuie Cocktails Cocktail

Speech 11/05/2010 radiopop rain and concrete, .. also the South

Senator Veronese PDL, Cinzia Bonfrisco, so the newspapers report, said: "I turned to come to Verona on the Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso.
With all East Verona under water, with people of Soave and Monteforte, to despair, with landslides in the mountains and Lake Garda, where the senator Bonfrisco had not been "activated" Bertolaso, precisely, is the Head of Civil Protection was going on holiday to the Bahamas?
miseries. Surely the senator would do better to "take action" before his government to prevent the cuts, as did, more than 60% of the funds for the environment. So

a disaster, a tragedy for whole populations in Verona and throughout the Veneto.
Yes, the Veneto. Veneto is the region which, in Italy, was the most distraught and in shorter time by generations of public administrators irresponsible.

Istat (National Institute of Statistics) states that: every year between 1978 and 1985, in the Veneto, were built almost 11 million cubic meters of warehouses.
Then from 1986 to 1993 were more than 18 million cubic meters a year to rise again in subsequent years to more than 20 million cubic meters, then a leap: in 2000 27 million cubic meters, 38 in 2002 and so on.
of Housing, in the 80s and 90s, were released building permits amounted to 10 million cubic meters a year. Diventate14 million in 2002, nearly 16 in 2003, more than 17 in 2004.
The agricultural area in the Veneto region of plains and mountains, in 20 years has fallen by 30%.

Now, in the province of Verona, it was decided, with the design of the MotorCity and between Vigasio Trevenzuolo, to shed a layer of cement over 4 million square meters of land that will not absorb more rainwater.
And with a big amusement park Gardaland almost double and a shopping center five times bigger than the Big Apple.

not about "thieving Rome". In Veneto there was a theft of land, a environmental devastation zero kilometer, all our stuff, Doc, DOC to 100%.

In Veneto, now affected by the flood, always Istat data, there are 80 000 homes without tenants, empty, only 9 000 in Verona. Over the past 6 years
Veneto municipalities have authorized 38 million cubic meters for warehouses and 18 million cubic meters for homes. Although
remain constant rates of population growth, including immigrants, there vorrebbero15 years to use all the houses built. A madness
scheduled on the skin of people and bank accounts of the usual few.

Senator Bricolo League has asked to be removed from the state budget money for the celebrations of the unification of Italy to help those affected by the flood.
not the money, many for the devastating bridge over the Strait of Messina, but the money just for the celebrations of 'unification of Italy.

And now we speak of our river, the Adige. We also all the entreaties of the case but I think it is better to call sooner rather than later crying.

On 31 January 2003 "The Arena" published my speech with which I recalled the flood of 1966 and on that occasion I said that our city was saved only by some extraordinary circumstances favorable. During that full
the Adige, in Verona, was still "thin" (not today) but, instead, to the north, broke into nine points and Trent was completely flooded thus reducing the flow of the river before the floods come from us.
The maximum rainfall was concentrated not on us but in the Brenta, Lake Garda was "low" (not today) and so was able to receive water from the Mori-Torbole tunnel scolmatrce and Mincio could download south and the second tributary of the Adige, the Walnut was harnessed from the tank Trentino di Santa Giustina.

All these conditions lead to the salvation of Verona, however, when he reached the height of flood, suffered damage in the walls and parts of the city and suburbs were flooded.

But now things have changed: Trent learned his lesson, channeled streams and tributaries and the walled city with the result, however, make the river more power, more capacity and faster and therefore more dangerous to Verona.
I concluded that intervention this way: "If today, 2003, weather conditions occur again at that time should be in Verona" and asked that the City of Verona and Trento plan interventions coordinated with Mantova to secure the territory by the River. The assessor then

Regional Giorgetti accused me of making the alarm, saying that this city was at risk because he had done the cleaning and maintenance of levees and flood if enough of the Mori-Torbole tunnel.
That had not done anything. Since then no more news.

would be good if some provincial and municipal council asked the mayor and the President of the Province of Trento and Mantova to if it was agreed to do something or, better yet, if you have done something.
I fear that may not have done anything. Hopefully.

George Bragaja