Sunday, October 31, 2010
Milena Velba Pic Pack Set
Speech Radiopop banks 10/29/2010 Verona, close, and more.
try to understand a little 'better what happened in these days in the banks of Verona.
Cariverona Foundation which is the largest shareholder in Unicredit, which in turn is one of the largest European banks, has renewed its Board of Directors.
A couple of months ago Tosi, the mayor had given a hand to the President of the Foundation Biasi to oust the CEO of Unicredit, Profumo, who did not approve of the proclamation of Bossi "The league should take the banks of the North".
Biasi wants to be reelected for the third time at the helm of the Foundation. Want it, need it. for various reasons but is in trouble is because he will have to address, in January, a process for bankruptcy and because many point out that he is also a conflict of interest as a shareholder of the bank that finances its holdings in difficulty and for the restoration of which needs a lot of money to deal with the exposure (debt) to suppliers who and other banks, about 100 million.
million that may come from the sale, the sale of the land and buildings owned by him located close to the motorway in the municipality of Venice Verona.
As we know the value of land and buildings depends on their intended use and intended use can be decided, out, changed only by the City that is, to be clear, only by the mayor. In the days immediately
precedenti l'assemblea dei soci che dovrà eleggere il CdA, le riunioni preparatorie si succedono a ritmo frenetico.
La Fondazione è un istituto privato ma dove si tengono queste riunioni? Nell'ufficio del sindaco.
E Tosi chiede, pretende, che un suo uomo, della Lega, non del Consiglio comunale, abbia un posto di comando: vuole il vicepresidente e propone l'avvocato Maccagnani “vicino” alla Lega.
Biasi, in qualche modo, tenta di allentare la pressione della Lega ma più di tanto non può.
La matita per disegnare i piani territoriali ce l'ha in mano Tosi e allora Biasi dice che alla vicepresidenza ci deve andare una persona esperta di finanza perché, dice, se sarò condannato per I have to leave bankruptcy.
The agreement will be reached with the appointment of Professor John Hall as Vice President and Board as Maccagnani in charge of two key committees: the one that decides the grants and the private investment and capital. That is the safe
Cariverona. That is a
economic and financial power, the availability of funds, money, great.
Some of our political center and left some papers have been written and said that the League had to take a step back.
Perhaps it would be good to explain that when Bossi says, "The League should be taken banks of the North "will simply say that the league wants the keys to the safe, the rest is well take another.
And others, Berlusconi Verona, excluding from the table, are furious.
Mind you, not for the good old days.
The DC, in Verona, was more or less the same. Banks were "his" but the view in some respects, was different.
finance had not. That the economy mattered most work, although the production of capitalism always was.
What I think I can say is that someone like Bias, with the problems it has, then, would not have been elected once again president of the largest financial institution in city.
A hand it to him must have given its home ownership: Opus Dei.
We talk about the neighborhood.
Language, written and spoken, with a single word, an adjective, it is often more accurate descriptions of the most elaborate in the representation of the times in which we live.
Once, not so long ago, that was a policy was designated as the Democrat, or Communist, or socialist or social democrat .... Then he began to tell: he could be a Democrat or moroteo ... Andreotti, a community could be improved or ingraiano ...; craxi could be a socialist or Lombard and so on.
today in newspapers and on television politicians are given, classified as follows: Councillor Matthew Galbiero is convenient to count, including Councillor Leso is close to the income, while the Council is close to Bruno frustules Gasparato adviser, but the adviser Bolcato Brancher and is instead close to the commissioner Of God Mariotti is near and approaching the senator Alberto Murari Bonfrisco.
Vicini, only close because you never know ... if things change ... I was not "with" him, I was just next door, was passing by ... I had not even stopped! It would
Alberto Sordi.
A personal recollection, perhaps, just affect the listeners but never mind.
In the 70s the Summer Theatre of Verona asked me to do a medal to be given to those who have earned significant of the Italian theater. So
kneaded with a medal Castel San Pietro, the Roman Theatre and, in the South and an inscription: "There is no world outside the walls of Verona."
Nothing very original, much less written, but I was fine. I thought that my city was a good place to live despite being largely governed by conservative forces (the experience would have been immediately after Gozzi).
A few years ago, 2007, the Circle Cinema asked me to make a medal for the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation. I had already done for previous anniversaries.
kneaded the path the walls and crossed by the inscription: "There's a world outside these walls."
He had just settled in the new majority composed of the City League, and the extreme right Forza Italy.
George Bragaja
Installation Of A Tripod Swing Set
La posta di Biagio
Lury a passeggio per le strade di Haiti, cercando di "indagare" bene negli slip della gioventù locale; purtroppo qualcosina nella sua copertura di 25enne anoressica è andato storto (vedasi l'espressione del ragazzo in camicia bianca), probabilmente causa corruzione di giudici; andato comunque bene il seminario su come smettere di lavarsi aiuti a sentirsi più simili alle razze inferiori o "negre di colore".
Diverse domande ritornano often in our inbox, or in our comments on other routes, so today we pay a bit 'of time and try to answer some in a relatively serious, just to clarify between percula and the other; omitted details or personal references, so soon you'll all just denounced for asking questions ...
- But 'I'm only casino for a two-to-peak?Well, yes and no: for some of us so it was, other states are brought in only for homonyms, suspected to be unfounded, professional relationships (such as being slandered other lawyers) or the whim of the moment .
There is only one true thread conductor in the rambling life of a person deeply frustrated and deeply evil, which does nothing but try to throw shit on the next to feel less shitty.
- I have XX years, I make an ass like that from morning to night to pull out the cart and I can barely: Lury as fucking bell?Dear friends, some we know that the adorable tramp is begging accustomed how and where they can openly, even by their own offspring, and in part he / she checks her small income from post-divorce, social allowances and who knows what else.our care but will certainly investigate and see good if those who had covered her shoulders, especially when the end of this story fucking s'arriverà to beat cash.
- But if it's got some money, how do you plead nots? It explains how the money for Domains, wireless, computer, two packs of cigarettes (at least) a day trip around Italy to slag people, camera, etc?As above, dear friends, several points remain obscure. There is no property has been declared for sfangarsela in some process, that certain income or below a certain income threshold can not be attached.In at least two different occasions he used the credit card of the daughter in front of a witness (me), but, again, the rest is still unclear, but we're not going to stop there:)!
- Here, his daughter, but you can leave it like that, under these conditions? He knows that combines the mother?Yes, I know, as stated several times on the phone (and apparently already knew from the time of NG), but apparently has no culture / consciousness / tools / say-what-you get to come up with something better than park at the parent computer 24 / 7 because they do not break the bales in his life. And yes, pretending to believe that mommy can have boyfriends or work even under current conditions.
- Mah .. And the rest of the family?Apart from the fact that "family" seems a term already too much "beyond" their current manage, it is still a group of consanguiGni basically came up with a deranged woman with serious psychiatric problems as the main parental figure.
This explains but does not justify their indifference or, even worse (especially for them), their adherence to supine maternal improbable crusade.
's ex-husband and other companions are held at a good distance from one person to say the least, unfortunate and has never made qualms about rubbish, or at least try to blackmail crapped too.
- Sì, però avete parlato pure di figlia con problemi di tossicodipendenza, figli piccoli abbandonati, bullismo, bocciature a nastro, mendicaggio... È tutto vero?Dunque, a parte il mendicaggio (almeno letteralmente: che poi i figli sian stati usati per avere soldi extra dal presunto padre prima e dallo stato poi, sì) che è nostra faceta caricatura, tutto il resto sì.
Ed è stata per lo più lury stessa a rivelarlo di persona e/o confermarlo goffamente con le sue tanto piccate quanto incosistenti smentite.
Più nello specifico, per seguire il ganzo di turno in quel del Vesuvio (camorristiiii!!!), lury mollò i figli di circa 9 years and older sister to her grandmother for a year.
roughly at that time admitted his second ended with the risk of not leaving the hospital without more toe tag overdose, was saved for sedated or so he told Lury same. Always
her, specifically when it was still pretending the anorexic 25-year, daughter of Canadian diplomats and journalists RAI (or merdasec, a bit 'random) buzzurraofbleargh, Lury told how his brother (remember that identity with which he tried to tow was a mix of identities of the daughters) *** x was over expelled from school for beating up a partner.
- Sorry, but if it's all true ... Shit do social workers?If we know them well, scratch waiting for the next month.
Mind you, we do not want to generalize and think it was the second child was also reported once again entrusts his father among the living, but is not mystery that usually this kind of civil servants do not have close monitoring efficiency. The fact that the mother in question to profit from keeping their children at home and is ready to break my balls rubbish and certainly not beyond belief inducement beyond.
- Eh, but if you try to look for work at least half the time it goes to damage or spy on next?Surely he would already have one! Unfortunately, our
Lury has nice and claims, the axis in which even a moron like wild Lucarelli could be a review of the blogosphere, our Lury has tried all of that type of career, always animated by large, poorly Supported ambitions.
Unfortunately, he never realized that Lucas was there, well paid in those programs, garbage, boobs and a small measure because he had some humor, then we have seen how that turned out, but if you think it might imitate Lury , one wonders why she even has not understood yet! Similarly
its ambitions of being a journalist are just illusions for a miserable that would never accept to go and do the cleaning (and certainly more dignified work the life you lead now) and does not care at all what more can give to the poor souls brought into the world.
- But in the end, you hate Lury or his "family"?No. And certainly not us as we threaten death to those who love it, the field of charity, love looking for the victim role at all costs, even when in the end is only the executioner (of itself, as well as the balls of others).
We are interested only do justice, to prevent more harm (and some have caused serious troubles, in addition to the thousands of trouble caused hundreds of person) and make sure that whoever is really responsible for letting her free rein to pay.
Some of us had also started with the best intentions, trying to (re) direct it to the path of psychiatric care, but Lury just can not hear from that ear, and what is worse, has no family there behind the door, but on the contrary!
- Lury really stinks so much?probably has destroyed the sense of smell from chain smoker, but it is clear that either is unable to make himself presentable, or if you take care too little. Among the major components of its stench is the dirty dirty for weeks without cleaning and the everlasting smell of rotten ashtray.
have questions? Lasciatecele in the comments and we'll respond to you:)!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Black Licorice Shoestring Edmonton
Sondaggio: parenting advisory
The perfect disguise as a young 25 year old cosplayer and even a bit 'anorexic Lury is easily debunked even by the young Ash Ketchum who was trying to work (for surveys !!!): clear the fact that it was corrupt an unnamed lawyer to blurt out everything, eh ...
We asked two weeks ago: Which of these actions Great Council (we know you should do everything) Lury to be slightly less for the mother of shit?
And even regular readers of Biagio (the few still on the loose, because we believe we will really all that Lury's ass strips, eh) so have answered the call to vote:
Addressing processes | 10 (32%) |
Close merdablog | 8 (25% ) |
Costituirsi | 2 (6%) |
Dare la prole in affido | 8 (25%) |
Finirla con i ragazzini | 7 (22%) |
Finirla con il porno | 2 (6%) |
Finirla with bales | 8 (25%) |
Start psychiatric care | 11 (35%) |
Wash | 8 (25%) |
Wash still | 7 (22%) |
Wash even more | 9 (29%) |
children not to smoke 24 / 7 | 7 (22%) |
Do not involve other | 6 (19%) |
Return the stolen goods | 6 (19%) |
compensate its victims | 7 (22%) |
Apologize to who defames | 9 (29%) |
apologize to the children | 7 (22%) |
Apologize to the planet | 5 (16%) |
Stop delirium | 9 (29%) |
get a job | 10 (32%) |
Nothing: Do not ever going to make it ... | 23 (74%) |
Other (spammatelo around) | 1 (3%) |
What say foregone conclusion, it is interesting to see that even some who have given advice on the whole facts are then fell in the penultimate option pessimism. An option granted, but, as they say "you can not teach new tricks to an old dog " (and so there we are risen from the bale for a couple of Oretta, and will try to translate it Babil-death- menace-fish, known ischemic translator with death threats in the database in 261 languages \u200b\u200band three dialects of Catalan).
But you know, Lury has always been ready to ride every opportunity to achieve their goals, as a reader reminded the fart does not stop with sick or dead and remembered as another (or was it same, who knows) to the lurid did not compliment blurt out names and surnames of the unfortunate offspring .
not surprising to think that she wanted to expose them, perhaps hoping for new attacks (imaginary), that maybe she will just be posting more links here, not surprising to see who has not had any respect for their privacy (as for his somersaults ago, despite the clumsy tonnage), as maybe even ashamed of such a mother or at least some situations (such mentally ill mother and horny march baccaglia their peers pretending to be a mix of daughters and giving away various pictures of whomever ).
not surprising to see the verdict of the vote, even considering how Lury has failed thus implicitly confirmed, saying he could not know without corrupting the magician and Sbirulino Zurlo, have parked for years via the minor children already without a father, we communicate mostly via public blog.
always rely on the advice to wash more, regardless.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Surgeon Xmas Hole In Heart Bugs
intervention radiopop 10/22/2010 Verona on nuclear and other
We are now almost complete. We're not that much information.
After the tunnel of Torricelli, Motorcity, Centre for identification and expulsion of immigrants (CIE), the mephitic Ca 'del Bue, with benches, bollards, multicolour Po patrols (about where they are finished?), The underground parking instead of gardens and archaeological sites, unwatchable monuments, plaques and name plates so-called local artists everywhere, especially in Piazza Bra, finally arrived too enthusiastic yes Mayor Tosi at the nuclear plant on the outskirts of Verona, but better yet, as we shall see, if within our borders. The clot
political controls we declared made by the fascists of the council's list Tosi, from Berlusconi's first and last time, from the Po Valley of the League, by fundamentalists deniers lump supported by outside bankers close to Opus Dei Tosi and investigated by greedy business associations, cultural institutions silly and inconsistent (with rare exceptions), with a stupid careless of the future, you know, think, can with impunity say and do anything.
In our province on the border with the Mantua rise of Europe's largest shopping center with a track for motor racing and related forums for half a million spectators and roads, fittings, huge parking lots, hotels, malls, amusement parks with an impact environmentally, socially and economically devastating.
And now, on the other side of the border, the nuclear-to-Tosi says is good because it will work, welfare and development. Nuclear power continues
-Tosi-choice is a vital and Italy had already been delayed and now nuclear power is safe and where you will build these plants is not so important, do it in Lombardy or the Veneto or Emilia does not change much. I wonder if they think so too at Chernobyl.
Formigoni, the governor of Lombardy does not want it. Zaia governor of the Veneto even because, he says, the Veneto has already given the rigasificatore, the coal plant at Porto Tolle and Fusina hydrogen power plant that uses waste material in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bMarghera for the production of electricity.
But both also say that it's okay to build them in other parts of Italy.
And instead do not fit in anywhere because, among other things, the mountain of money will be spent for their construction block any action for renewable energy and for research on new energy sources. Immediately after a
Tosi, Zaia, brothers Giorgetti, the President of the Province Miozzi that comes to mind, to think of it, may also be a bargain, you can do a lot 'of money.
And then say it instead of the power station, beyond the border of Mantua, let's get on this side, a ten or fifteen kilometers inside our territory so we peck million euros paid by the state.
So if something a bit 'more miles o in meno non fanno differenza.
Solo, nel caso succedesse qualcosa, qualche decina di migliaia di contaminati in più o in meno ma, si sa, chi non risica non rosica.
Ambientalisti e opposizioni sono, naturalmente contrari e sostengono il loro no con argomenti concreti.
Il problema delle scorie, la ancora elevata insicurezza, i costi enormi e ricordano che in Italia ogni cittadino deve ancora sostenere le ingenti spese per coprire i buchi lasciati in eredità dal nucleare del passato. E cioè 150 milioni di euri l'anno prelevati direttamente sulle casalinghe bollette dell'energia elettrica.
E ancora: spese enormi a fronte di una domanda di energia che in Italia è in calo. Abbiamo, produciamo e importiamo più energy than they consume. The problem is poor distribution, in the wastes and losses in the network.
strong arguments, but for now, regarded by those in power, the result of a separate culture from the present, to omit an archaic culture that runs counter to most other topics. Other
a teacher in Verona on "The Arena":
"Knowing that the mayor was in the U.S. with his large squad at the expense of the municipal coffers infuriates me. Each of them has asked for a cash advance of 3600 € for the trip. The merry band has claimed that a teacher earns in a year ... shame! If you really were in the U.S. to promote the Ente Fiera di Verona because they did not pay the Fair Trade this expensive trip? "
I think that accounts are a bit 'different because, in my opinion, in early 3600 euros to each Councillor should not be included or the cost of the ticket or other living expenses so maybe you can talk about the cost of two teachers and not just one.
As for the question: if they went to America for the exhibition because he has not paid the fair? The answer may be: because the fair is a bit 'more serious of the City Council and has nothing to do with the trip.
George Bragaja
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Kates Playground Free Zipsets
Luxury Luxury Living from the world, Dubai Luxury and normal capital
Those involved in the furniture industry, almost always aspires to the highest peaks can be reached, and if they engulf luxury, the better. But
Have you ever wondered what is the apotheosis of luxury, the most luxurious place in the world?
As the money for furniture is incredible spread all over the world, there is undeniably a place that gathers the top in each category, many of you have heard of, but now is talking about the case.
We are talking about the Burj al Arab in Dubai, and is unanimously considered the most luxurious hotel in the world, with its seven stars.
To make it completely unique, just its location: 15 km from downtown Dubai, is located on the artificial island created specifically to connect.
To give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we are talking about the construction of the Hotel began in 1994 and ended in 2002, for a total cost that touches unreachable peaks: about $ 650 million.
Tall 321 meters high, is in 31st place in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world, and has become the major attraction of any self-respecting billionaire.
His sail-shaped, making it recognizable by anyone now.
Inside, there are 202 carefully selected suites, spread over two floors and measure a minimum of 170 to a maximum of 780 square meters, fully glazed.
Each room offers the amenities that are currently the top.
Sea view, let king size beds, plasma televisions as large as entire walls, whirlpools per ogni stanza, collegamenti internet, pc in dotazione, ma non solo; anche banchetto di benvenuto al vostro arrivo, fiori freschi e rari in camera, servizi in camera degni d'un principe e camere che generalmente farebbero impallidire gli occhi di un re.
Impossibile poi non parlare dei tre ristoranti presenti all'interno, uno situato sotto l'acqua con vista di pesci bellissimi, uno al primo piano ed uno in cima alla vela con vista panoramica sulle luci sfavillanti della notte di Dubai.
Per gli amanti dello shopping, decine di boutique con i migliori prodotti da tutto il mondo!
Ma anche parchi acquatici adiacenti, un famosissimo campo da tennis sospeso nel vuoto ed attrattive al limite dell'immaginazione!
Il prezzo?
Si va da non meno di 600, a 20.000 euro per una singola notte!
Those involved in the furniture industry, almost always aspires to the highest peaks can be reached, and if they engulf luxury, the better. But
Have you ever wondered what is the apotheosis of luxury, the most luxurious place in the world?
As the money for furniture is incredible spread all over the world, there is undeniably a place that gathers the top in each category, many of you have heard of, but now is talking about the case.
We are talking about the Burj al Arab in Dubai, and is unanimously considered the most luxurious hotel in the world, with its seven stars.
To make it completely unique, just its location: 15 km from downtown Dubai, is located on the artificial island created specifically to connect.
To give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we are talking about the construction of the Hotel began in 1994 and ended in 2002, for a total cost that touches unreachable peaks: about $ 650 million.
Tall 321 meters high, is in 31st place in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world, and has become the major attraction of any self-respecting billionaire.
His sail-shaped, making it recognizable by anyone now.
Inside, there are 202 carefully selected suites, spread over two floors and measure a minimum of 170 to a maximum of 780 square meters, fully glazed.
Each room offers the amenities that are currently the top.
Sea view, let king size beds, plasma televisions as large as entire walls, whirlpools per ogni stanza, collegamenti internet, pc in dotazione, ma non solo; anche banchetto di benvenuto al vostro arrivo, fiori freschi e rari in camera, servizi in camera degni d'un principe e camere che generalmente farebbero impallidire gli occhi di un re.
Impossibile poi non parlare dei tre ristoranti presenti all'interno, uno situato sotto l'acqua con vista di pesci bellissimi, uno al primo piano ed uno in cima alla vela con vista panoramica sulle luci sfavillanti della notte di Dubai.
Per gli amanti dello shopping, decine di boutique con i migliori prodotti da tutto il mondo!
Ma anche parchi acquatici adiacenti, un famosissimo campo da tennis sospeso nel vuoto ed attrattive al limite dell'immaginazione!
Il prezzo?
Si va da non meno di 600, a 20.000 euro per una singola notte!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Get Vampirefreaks School
La farfallona attempata
Few people know that after a career as a property administrators abruptly interrupted by the usual sentences for Truffetto, our tried Lury di riciclarsi come animatrice di feste di compleanno, la famosa "fatina dai capelli d'argento", sopra ritratta in rara foto dei suoi 25 anni, sempre portati con il consueto stile. Purtroppo anche questa finirà presto, dopo che una perizia per verificare se lei si fosse o meno mangiata mezza torta di compleanno del piccolo Eustachio Lorenzi le ritrovò numero 6 (SEI) candeline nelle feci. Tutte false accuse, come quelle delle profferte della fatina di "andiamo tutti a trastullarci sotto le mutandine" che avrebbe rivolto in impeto di ilarità alla festa del giovanissimo Zebedeo Sogni poco dopo.
I ragazzini della scuola qui di fronte crescono ed ogni giorno mi riserva una nuova scoperta: giusto ieri ho scoperto that eat them too, just got that fire today and tomorrow, who knows?
The butterfly, in fact ... It's roughly like this, but after 100 years and 100 kg:
is easy to imagine three kids with a butterfly struggling a bit 'bigger of them, even hyper engaged in deadly race with the scooter and jump high with momentum from a standstill in Olympic style to throw rocks from the overpass.
But having a butterfly in the house is not just that it's also knowing that they have a teenager in heat dedications written in pen on telephone , dixit!
I had a lot of lunatics, lepers, drunks, drug addicts and hemiplegic as well as a fellow filthy, but I had never observed the ritual of the expulsion of the herd, that is when I kicked everyone out spingon or something that keeps them far from my odorino.
Especially I've never heard the dialogue, which is quite different from the monologues that I do when I am horny all the time for him-a gift of the moment, just before starting a fiercely disgraced because he is impotent, Microdot, homosexual , pedophile and does not wear pants!
all starts with the 'priming , the first approach first to launch a short, dry warning that sound like a chastening of bad manners, when in reality they are just a paranoid that sees only whores in suits other women and helpless children and adults plagiabili which I hope to be loud trumpet, alas, always in vain. Of course the * sex * is a point also very common for dogs, why me without rest?
not fair and it is clear that it is the fault of the other billions of women on the planet, all whores!
The others, even if they are working or making more cocks each other, within a half second from soaring windows and balconies to not feel my smell o vedere il mio musetto un po' segnato dagli anni, ma sempre incorniciato da boccoli argentei, così come me li tiene in ordine la “ badante ” (cioè me fija disoccupata che ha fatto solo corso per estetista e che ora fingo di far lavorare quando me pulisce er culo in cambio di filtri, cartine e tabacco). A quel punto inizia così la cacca vera e propria, durante la quale i ragazzini trattengono il respiro e si chiedono che problemi di salute possa avere la loro amica più grande presa da quella strana fitta fatta di suoni particolarissimi, a metà tra il rumore che fanno dei vecchi pneumatici ricoperti di vasellina quando se sgonfiano da una slabbratura, dei denti quanto sbattono tra loro, un crackson those used on cars dell'1800 blower and the creaking of a worm in an old building or a brain 'so that bursts ischemia, danblè, parblè!
I tried to play the same notes during one of the last game I attended (I watch a lot of videos of people making bisognini, always and only for research!).
On cesson ! Yes, what I am made invalid by removing the funds to mount a paraplegic (but it was so black, not even know how to spell "paraplegic ahrahrahr, so 'pacefista too!) And trying to get me to increase the state assegnucci!
Adesso in casa mia non vola mosca che io non voglia: tutte a terra stecchite come alzo un'ascella!
O meglio, al primo arrapamento , se l’avvistato è solo o se il terribile volatile-spaventa-felini che vorrei tanto farmi si tiene ben lontano dalle mie unghioline nere e lunghe, dal mio minibronco bolsetto e pieno di catrame si stacca un catarrone che convoca senza possibilità di replica sul luogo della singolar tenzone un'equipe pneumologica per cacciare e punire l’impudente volatile che ha osato rifiutarmi solo perché non sembro poi così 25enne, anoressica e gnocca come dicevo... But if you look vecino me, huh, if not I 'same-same! And then I never lied, not like the other sluts!
Now it is fortunate that we live here in urbe, where the insects are virtually absent and those that would dare to steal the role of parasites are sprayed with poisons and slander by companies that pretend to have had at the ANM, then my sweet smell makes even the mosquitoes away from home in diving suits.
However, in view of future with the next mosquito wer so I will try to extort two pennies and a lot of local piety ASL, have three good cacatori home is well worth the trouble to bear la siringhetta di quella più stitica in piena faccia mentre dormi o lo spavento perché ti saltano addosso gli assistenti sociali per verificare le condizioni igienico-ambientali mentre stai scrivendo paginate di infamate riguardo gente che non ho mai conosciuto e che spesso temo solo nominare.
Tanto per la cronaca mi son fatta più di 15 giorni di terapia antirabbia (pagata dai contribuenti), una decina di giorni di riposo (pagati da mia figlia) per non gettare via il fegato pensando al mio lui-dono 17enne con un'altra sciacquetta e ora inizio un nuovo triciclo fatto con due scatole del ciappi (preso via dal cortile Eurospin behind) I will try to trim the bully of convincing him that Mummy is a envelope better than de 'to' Compagnucci class that can not crush.
But then I know 'was almost robbed at home by a thief who also cuts off the walls , there was not even the "bad air" that made it, you'd think. But no, are the effects of scientific and technological progress, the fact of relativism and secularism exasperated, because the new vulnus are "discouraged" against the side of banks that are contrary to, actual, ongoing benefits of enrollment at the secret services who are deviant and deviant target.
fuck did I say? Dunno, but with all these big words today I am also earned the loaf as a columnist, so sorry, but soon come out from those of fourth-grade catechism in the parish of St. Paul and we want to own their older girlfriend to protect them from hordes of pedophiles! !
mea maternitas In vino!
Fairy Mo-Mu, the best friend you helpless children against orcacci and sysop long teeth!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Pre Market Stock Quotes
Ferrara sposi 2010
An event always eagerly awaited in Ferrara (and not only!) Is Ferrara Sposi, a show entirely devoted to marriage. This year will be held in Habitat for contemporary , fair dwelling (living room furniture and housing solutions). Exhibitors will be 50 and if you're going to get married and live in Emilia Romagna (but also in adjacent regions) I recommend a visit! Do not miss the parade of wedding dresses, bridal lingerie, wedding and jewelry.
The fair will be held the following weekend: 23-24 October, 30 to 31 October and 1 November, at the fairgrounds Ferrara Fiere Congress.
Open from 10 to 20.
Ticket 7 €, reduced 5 €.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Breathlessness Menopause
to radiopop 10/15/2010 ignored in a book, the festival arena and other
About a year ago was a volume, "walking space. Walking is good medicine, "written by Armando and Dominic Bolla Barp professors in the Faculty of Architecture in Venice as part of an agreement between the University and Health Units 20 Verona, with the collaboration of Dr. Massimo Valsecchi, architects Andrea and Giuseppe Lauria Caldwell and Dr. Susan Morgan and Lucia De Noni.
E 'a volume of about a hundred pages with many drawings, photographs, maps, floor plans.
not for sale, was distributed to medical units of the Veneto region, municipalities, provinces, to other public agencies.
Barp is Belluno, bubbles and Verona.
E 'a text, challenging the method and the practical possibilities to really make a place in town. With people moving, walking, come together, breathe, talk to each other, observe and understand the places of their existence.
reading not always easy but useful, very useful. For everyone, of course, but mainly it should be for those who voted took the responsibility for administering the property and places of our lives.
Why do I? I explain.
In these last few years we see in our town, as regards the living conditions of urban centers, traffic, health, for a real "Festival of crazy." From
forzaitaliota posing in the City Council in a terraced concrete jutting a few feet on the South along the Redeemer Regaste from Stone Bridge to Giarina with attached aerial walkway between the bridge and St. Stephen's square, in order to facilitate traffic narrow front of the Teatro Romano. Municipal Councillor
the kind that offers the same balcony on the South by up to Parona Chain Bridge and the excavation of all the valleys beneath the walls sanmicheliane and Austrian to make km of underground parking. Courses
alderman and the mayor Tosi, justifying it with the previous splicing errors (there were, and large) all over dig with churches and archaeological finds cracks, dubbed "four stones, thrown to the waste paper, tree-lined squares destroyed as in San Zeno and gardens without bleakly empty benches as in riverside Matteotti.
deterrent to benches with anti-immigrant and the homeless. In Piazza Bra
reduced to vulgar country festival with rolls of toilet paper advertising the highest of the monument to Vittorio Emanuele II.
Then I thought, if they will be reading this book, our directors and a bit of 'we will see the beneficial effects, at the bottom has been paid with the money of a public company, that is ours, and in order to provide useful suggestions for improving our lives as much as possible.
Così mi sono informato e ho avuto le informazioni: la Ussl 20 ha fatto promozione presso tutti gli Enti anche verso il Comune di Verona ma non ha avuto risposte né dalla maggioranza né dalla opposizione mentre altre Ussl sparse per il Veneto e altri Enti pubblici hanno risposto e così gli autori e i loro collaboratori e i dirigenti dell'azienda hanno girato per la regione a fare conferenze e il libro ha avuto successo e apprezzamenti tranne che a Verona.
Così, forse, in qualche altra parte del Veneto le cose miglioreranno mentre da noi continuerà il “Festival dei fuori di testa”.
Altro argomento.
Il sovrintendente della Fondazione Arena, quella degli spettacoli lirici, ha lanciato un grido di allarme perché i soldi calano insieme con gli spettatori e i commercianti e gli industriali veronesi non tirano fuori un euro malgrado, come dice il sovrintendente Girondini, si riempiano le tasche con il famoso indotto. Spalleggiato dall'assessore alla cultura Perbellini fa notare che in altre parti del mondo, che lui ha visitato come la Germania il Giappone, Dubai, gi Stati Uniti..., la cultura è sostenuta e generosamente finanziata.
Girondini potrebbe far risparmiare alla Fondazione Arena i soldi per i suoi viaggi in terre lontane e con l'auto o con il treno o in corriera andare molto più vicino, a Ferrara, a Modena, a Mantova dove ai festival della letteratura, della filosofia, dell'opera lirica nelle strade e nelle squares, go there and participate actively, artists, writers and Nobel laureates from around the world and streams of people especially the young and enthusiastic protagonists of the events.
And every year is always better.
Or go to the Mart in Rovereto to enjoy the beautiful collection of paintings (Impressionists, and others) who recently took a well-known entrepreneur and he left Verona in use at the museum in Verona and not deemed not worthy.
And then reflect and understand that, perhaps, the triumph of the Aida and Juliet's balcony are not the best and you need to do something different. Having the desire and ability, of course. Last
The commissioner of God said that he and the council have not gone to the meeting with Saviano and his father Alex Zanotelli Comboni, who spoke of the tragic reality of the South and the dispossessed of the world, because it was part of an initiative.
to say: I'm from somewhere else. God, I knew it!
George Bragaja
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Funny Invitation Wording For 50th Birthday
Sondaggio: la lurida dal soprannome famoso
Capita figures that there are so disturbing, disgusting and reprobe that the human mind (if healthy, oh well) hard to imagine them directly, which is why some call seeking support mnemonic aid intelligence to conceive the horror and disgust that only a sub-human vile, dirty and without dignity can provide .
Here is the question of biagio to his people: Which of these epithets think best represents Lury and its gloomy picture? (Multiple answers possible tutte rigorosamente minuscole per mancanza di rispetto)
E le risposte del medesimo popolo:
What can I say: there was quite a head-to-head between three alternatives, but after a certain document is was put out when someone served to protect even his signature and not the children, the tie is gone away on its own (and perhaps did not vote themselves!).
And now forward force with the next poll, my inculturated ° ° /!
Lury "Investigating" a Korean Convenscion (all ask ourselves these yellow!) To see what perverted maniac tries to lure while pretending to be a Smurfette of 6, maximum 25 years.
Capita figures that there are so disturbing, disgusting and reprobe that the human mind (if healthy, oh well) hard to imagine them directly, which is why some call seeking support mnemonic aid intelligence to conceive the horror and disgust that only a sub-human vile, dirty and without dignity can provide .
Here is the question of biagio to his people: Which of these epithets think best represents Lury and its gloomy picture? (Multiple answers possible tutte rigorosamente minuscole per mancanza di rispetto)
E le risposte del medesimo popolo:
adescatrice del web
19 (73%)
13 (50%)
balena spiaggiata
6 (23%)
barbona sessantenne
10 (38%)
betoniera di cazzate
18 (69%)
cagna sfatta di cattiveria
18 (69%)
capro dall'innumerevole prole
10 (38%)
caramella alla merda
7 (26%)
excrement ambulatory
13 (50%)
mother of shit
21 (80%)
dog shit ill
16 (61%)
boiler with legs
19 (73%)
money hack from 4
5 (19%)
whore dirt
5 (19%)
sixty undone
3 (11%)
17 (65%)
cow menopausal
14 (53% )
Other (spammatelo around)
0 (0%)
What can I say: there was quite a head-to-head between three alternatives, but after a certain document is was put out when someone served to protect even his signature and not the children, the tie is gone away on its own (and perhaps did not vote themselves!).
And now forward force with the next poll, my inculturated ° ° /!
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