received from a dear friend to follow the text here:
Manoeuvres in Junta Repetto in the Province of Genoa: the place of the chapel (now the School, after the disaster planning and soil conservation , check Cuozzo.
Giovanni Paladini, in fact, has - they say - the need to put someone other than bring him to him.
Gary Cuozzo ... before being Director of Education, was in police (but see You: Knights of the environment) and then in the Margherita (with Harvey) ... where he was responsible for the campaign Marylin Fusco (wife of Harvey).
E' proprio non riconducibile a Paladini, sic! D'altronde dopo il caso del segretario provinciale di Genova, Giovanni Pinelli - che Giovanni "segugio" Paladini conosce bene -, allontanato dalla Guardia di Finanza e rinviato a giudizio per reati vari sino alla concussione, Paladini cerca di riconquistare qualche briciola di credibilità. E, su questo punto, ovvero sull'elezione di Pinelli, la cosa curiosa è che il Pinelli era sì un uomo di Paladini, che nessuno osò mettere in discussione ( tanto meno la "componente grillina" Cappello-Grappiolo che, forse, proprio su questo strinse un accordo per garantire il "doppio" incarico Comune e Provincia the "grillino" ) ... so much so that John Pinelli was elected by acclamation with a single motion (to understand all the internal groups united in the election, the group of Paladins, to the duo-Cappel Grappiolo, through that of Mason).
The John "hound" Paladini feels slightly in difficulty, because the sword is to support the career of its flame, Marylin Fusco, is creating discontent among its own ranks, especially, they say, in Savona and at the break. Meanwhile the officer on leave, so that he defended the charges on peaceful demonstrators and the "Mexican butchery" of the G8 in Genoa, roll straight. While the Paladin gear, then, the balance of his seat in Parliament and the Regional Coordinator in Liguria, a few voices - but certainly malignant and facing denial - they take out Paladins the Cave family, the atmosphere of Tuscany, which would arrival of white marble blocks of scrap board until smooth, to make the extension work on the breakwater of the Port (including abuse and poisons) in the hands of fixer Jack Mazrecu Roc, in violation of regulations prohibiting the use of its blocks white marble and smooth rocks.
The Grappiolo Manuela hat (with a double surname is dagli elenchi dei consiglieri comunali di Genova) intanto si accontenterà di restare in Comune, mentre proseguono gli affari di famiglia.
Infatti se nel 2007 anno in cui la Cappello, grillina-dipietrista, si è candidata ed è stata eletta con circa 170 voti nella sala rossa di Palazzo Tursi, la società "Grappiolo Bruno srl" (ovvero azienda del padre del consorte Giacomo Grappiolo) ha visto l'assegnazione di un incarico da parte del Comune (con saldo nel 2008). Questo incarico mentre già dal 2004 - quando la signora Cappello ed il consorte Grappiolo erano già "astri nascenti" dell'Italia dei Valori (e poi, 2005, del Meetup genovese di Beppe Grillo, che proprio in questi giorni pare averli scalzati) - And up to this year, another company of the family Grappiolo, the "Ligurnolo srl Alessandro Grappiolo (brother of James), had consistent positions by the City of Genoa. This is to stop only at the City of Genoa, then without going to check the situation in the Province ... where the "Grappiolo Bruno srl" is among the "providers" and the Hat, Councillor.
After Il Secolo XIX September 19, 2009 published the article "Secretary accused in Genoa shakes the IDV" , which tells the story of John Pinelli (which directly from the conference in Vasto, has tuoanato first and then the plot is resigned), the arrangements inside the Di Pietro's party in Genoa to be skipped so that the unanimity hailed the sole candidate Pinelli provincial secretary (from the duo Hat-Grappiolo Paladini, through the Mason) is gone. Paladini part in the attack of the "two hats" of the Hat (provincial councilor and councilor) remaining to be resolved, according to national rules IDV, by September 20, but the hat-Grappiolo has / had no intention of resolving , waiting for a "waiver" on a personal basis. Then Manuela hat on the offensive side, almost in the grip of a syndrome of self-incensante to Berlusconi, saying in Il Secolo XIX of September 26, 2009: "Mi sento di poter incarnare al meglio la rappresentatività dell'Italia dei Valori..." per poi concludere svelando una fantomatica corrente interna all'Idv facente capo a Luigi de Magistris e Sonia Alfano: " Io r appresento una buona parte di elettori dell'Idv, e sono elettori scontenti di come stanno andando avanti le cose, quindi vorrei una certa rappresentatività. Rappresento una parte dell'Idv che non può essere messa in disparte. Rappresento la cittadinanza che ha votato de Magistris, Sonia Alfano e quelli che condividono quanto Di Pietro dice 'fuori i riciclati'..."
Savona Meanwhile in the number two of the provincial secretary of Italia dei Valori, Vincenzo Catalano, wander the city talking to piduista Teardo Alberto, previously arrested and convicted of conspiracy , at the time of its presidency of the Liguria Region, including bribes and bombs in Savona.
Liguria and on the ground, in this case in the Levant, something moves in the companies of Mason. On August 3, 2008 we went back to write on these very IdV Regional Councillor and (in most of Claudio "gerund" Burlando) Carmen Patricia Mason: " law ... as an individual 'the Party of Cement' and note just what is written on Chiavari, but not known, for example, that among the many figures that make up the block Burland power there is also a person very close to her, as the member of Italy Brokers, Joseph said in March ... "Pino" ? Curious also because This is the man of D'Alema ... born and lives in Gallipoli, in ' Ital Brokers in Genoa, from its origins to the latest corporate structure with Lazzarini Franco & C . But Joseph is March a "bridge" with the former Infrastructure Minister Antonio Di Pietro , always moving from Genoa through leaders and elected officials in Italy of Values Liguria. In fact, Joseph March, and directly with his other company appears in two companies incorporated in Genoa but registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Isernia trasferitesi and then, immediately, in Rome. These two companies twins with the same object, the and dealing with both the "debt" and to "undertake, individually and / or severally from the concession on behalf of public bodies and contractors, and property tax censuses, surveys and property tax, the ' update and controls regarding the roles imposed taxes, fees, charges, capital charges, fees reconnaissance, reconnaissance royalties, fees and whatever may be the subject of revenue for the institutions themselves. "In Gest.Net chairman of the board is Joseph March and the administrator who is it? Just Carmen Patricia Mason . In Gest.Com instead Joseph March he was among the members with the Pimarfin while again there is Carmen Patricia Mason as Chief, while Franco Arata , a former financier with some troubles behind him, former partner of Mason, executive IDV Ligurian and over again is also a director candidate. "
Since then, a bit 'of these things have evolved ... maybe even for the attention focused on the issue. Meanwhile, another man close to the DS -PD, and in particular to Claudio "gerund" Burlando, and society. This is Claudio Repetto. But let's see order.
The first detail is that the Gest.Net was first transformed from a spa Ltd (January 13, 2009), and then wound up on 9 March 2009. Despite being registered with the Chamber of Commerce of Rome (after the "journey" from Genoa to Isernia), the Tigullio is always the focus. In fact, the liquidator is appointed Ernesto Mazza was born in Reggio Calabria but living in Rapallo.
The second in particular is Gest.Com . This sees the Board of Directors: Patrick Mason Carmen (IDV and in Liguria Regional Council) as CEO, with Franco Arata (IDV, a former agent away from the Guardia di Finanza, like Pinelli) and Claudio Repetto (man near Claudio Burlando) as Councillors. In the same company if the Pimarfin Ltd (of which 67% is a member of the Giuseppe "Pino" March of the Ital Brokers whose chairman is none other than the well-known Fernanda Contri!! ) maintains its share of property (50%), the remaining 50% is the Bisag Ltd. which has seen a proliferation of rotations inside.
We see, therefore, especially on this third Bisag srl. Here among the members there was Tributes Italy (brothers Saggese Chiavari ) in December 2008 they sold their share to Fin.Cemar. This until September 2008 was 100% of Paul Vito Marti passing shares to Claudio Sabotta.
Let us pause to understand a passage. Paul Vito Marti Fin.Cemar of acquiring the shares by the company Tributes Saggese of Italy, is the manager of the same taxation Italy at the center of investigations and indictments, as in Bologna, for various crimes including aggravated fraud, forgery and fraud, given that - according to the complaint and investigation - riscuotevano le imposte comunali ma non le versavano ai Comuni. A Velletri la Tributi Italia è accusa di peculato. A Pomezia si parla di ammanco di 137 milioni di euro!
Laura Maragnani su Panorama, prova a sollevare la questione e scrive: "Si evince che allo stato attuale, in Italia, ben cinquecento comuni rischiano la bancarotta perché l'azienda che incassa le imposte poi non le versa. Sul caso indagano procure di mezza Italia".
Noi prendiamo, ora, anche un altro esempio: il caso di Aprilia, comune della provincia di Latina. Qui tutto avvenne con la vecchia amministrazione di centro-sinistra mentre al governo vi erano i D'Alema ed il fido Vincenzo Visco. Qui il contratto con la società dei Saggese venne siglato per la riscossione ma anche con una "partita" relativa all'arredo urbano che non si capisce cosa mai c'entrasse. Il rapporto si è chiuso con un credito da parte del Comune di circa 20 milioni di euro, senza calcolare gli interessi. Vengono fuori 9 milioni di euro che la perizia fatta eseguire dal pm Raffaella Falcione indica nel dovuto dalla società al Comune per la sola partita dell'arredo urbano. Cosa curiosa nel caso di Aprilia è che il 30 gennaio 2001, con il processo non ancora iniziato, Antonio Di Pietro, allora Senatore della Repubblica, had a question on the issue .... but not to the Minister of Finance, on the basis of the investigation of the Prosecutor with the Guardia di Finanza, but the Ministry of Justice. And what he said Antonio Di Pietro in this question? Simple: questioned some of the measures of the public prosecutor, and prompted them to the Minister of Justice to ascertain "whether there are extremes responsibility to govern." Got it?!?
Let's try to understand a moment, before resuming the "travel" inside the Bisag Ltd, who are these Saggese having their office in Chiavari in Tigullio, just where the Councillor Regional Italia dei Valori, Carmen Patricia Mason (CEO of Gest.Com and, until the liquidation, including the Gest.Net) lived, he covered the position of city councilor and where it was (now it is but still on leave) at the Chancellor Court, in which he enjoyed "ample."
According to the prosecutor Giuseppe Saggese Velletri is the "dominus" Taxation of Italy, despite being a mere "consultant" for "special services". These, as reported by Panorama: "born in Taranto in 1960, was already active in 90: with Publiconsult has landed at Nettuno, Aprilia and Pomezia " . In 2001 he triggered the arrest on charges of corruption of some city councilors. continued Panorama: " In the company took over her sister Patrick , 40 years, lawyer [the Court of Chiavari, registered since 2002, ed] . The Publiconsult changed name San Giorgio and then bought up other companies such as the Sicilian Ausonia ; here in February of 2008 's latest purchase, the Apulian Gestor ... . Now everything is called Tributes Italy . Giuseppe Saggese is was arrested April 28 and received September 8, Velletri, a notice of investigation for embezzlement. Investigated the sister Patrick and manager Paul Vito Marti , investigated in Bologna for aggravated fraud, forgery and fraud, more than a dozen executives. Seized property and bank accounts. And now? "Do not run away with the cash" he said Giuseppe Saggese in May. "We have certified credits to 142 million," he assured Patrick in early September, promising the return of debts. "
But now we take the tour of shares in the company of men who see Di Pietro and D'Alema in the front row and counts among its members the shareholders Saggese.
Marti gives 95% of its shares, as said, Claudio Sabotta, which in turn sold 20% to Effepi financial, Pasquale Froio, this taxation of Italy, who was also involved in investigations with Marti and Saggese. In Fin.Cemar are also some minority shareholders including Claudio Repetto with Lanari, Dawn Realty and Dediserati.
If we look at the Gest.Net, now in liquidation, we see that if this was owned 50% of Pimarfin Ltd. (Giuseppe "Pino" in March) and Giufra Ltd. (Fin.Cemar), also something has changed here. Shortly after the settlement (March 2009) there have been a bit 'of steps. The fact the 11 June 2009 Giuseppe "Pino" in March sold its 50% owned della Pimarfin srl a Giufra srl, uscendo quindi di scena.
Quello che è dato sapere ancora è che i fratelli Saggese , dal ligure Tigullio e più precisamente da Chiavari, hanno per la Tributi Italia incaricato degli affari legali l'avvocato Nicolò Ghedini e come advisor Ubaldo Livolsi (il finanziere di Berlusconi che salvò la Fininvest 13 anni fa, che era in cordata con Ricucci per la scalata alla RCS per conquistare il Corriere, e - non dimentichiamo - l'uomo già ai vertici di Sviluppo Italia ). Hanno già chiesto 70 milioni di euro di aiuti per salvare gli "affari"... mentre i Municipalities messed up and without receipts continue to multiply throughout Italy, including the Liguria.
Now, it will be allowed to ask then, that we are in Gest.Com (and what we did, with regard to Gest.Net until the winding up) IdV leaders - with friends D'Alema and joke - in these societies between delusions of steps of shares among shareholders that, say, have considerable problemucci along the boot, much to use the Ghedini?
You see just a part of that and the other IDV, despite promises to clean - after the article "There is Rotten in Denmark "published by MicroMega - do not know what to save. In fact, it is hard to find something decent ... in this kind of" Denmark "... the whole of Genoa and Liguria, where the" new Italy of Values \u200b\u200b", the component the "hound" Paladini to that of "grillini provided to party politics" Hat-Grappiolo , through that of Muratore, all balances are faithful supporters and defenders of a center-left by the Municipality of Genoa, climb up to the region, is under investigation heavy defeat of the Public Prosecutor's ... where the ladies of the "Mistral", Claudio Burlando, in the head with Scajola, the Party of Concrete, is going to be the candidate unit, with no primary for president of the Liguria Region (UDC while appointing men as well as the now ubiquitous cousin Toto "Vasa Vasa" Cuffaro Gaslini Paediatric Hospital Board in tightening the "covenant of the great manger" with Monteleone !